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Duramax not an ambiturner...


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My Duramax can't move right. Up/Down, Forward/Backward, Left, all fine. Any attempt to move it right, and everything stops. The joystick box displays a "LAG" message.

Back story: I'm in a different lab today, doing (ironically) equipment tests, not running parts. The Duramax and computer were powered down. I booted them up, and the Duramax never got to the "Drives On" stage. Weird. I booted Calypso, and got a pop-up (which I closed...) that said somethings like "Unable to detect probing system" and "Contact Zeiss and provide the attached message". Well, it's a pop-up, there was no other message. I shut everything down and rebooted it all. Everything seemed to load fine, but when the machine was homing, it alarmed out again. The Status Window is blank prior to this morning, but I've attached it in case it can be of help.

We have a SMA, so I'll be calling Zeiss, though I don't really have time for that today. Any thoughts in the mean time??

Status Window.JPG

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No, is that a thing? How is that done? Also, the machine errors out while driving in CNC, it errors while being joystick driven too, but I don't think it's just the joysticks.
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