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Looping through Directory


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Hello Community,

i am new to PCM but i know C# and Visual Basic as a programming languages. We got some part families so i wanted to create something like a user interface were you can select between different partnames.

I planned to save the .Para files in a directory within the Actuall Inspections Directory.
filespath = getActualInspectionDir() + "\files\" -> this will give me the correct Path

Now i want to loop through every File in this Directory and store the names in a list. Later the worker can pick one of the names in the user interface and it will load the picked .para file for the CNC Run.

In C# i would use foreach.
foreach(var item in myDictionery)
Filename = Filename + " " + item.name;

Is this possible within PCM ?

Thanks, Michael
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One of many possibilities.....

filepath = getActualInspectionDir()+"\files"
dirContent = getParameterNamed(filepath.asFilename).directoryContents
for i = 1 to dirContent.size
next i
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Thank you Michael for asking this question and thank you Phillip for sharing this possibility.

I find this AMAZING!!!

I probably can't and won't describe how we used to work around for this problem.
And this solution is so much better!

I adapted it a little bit for my use and i think this is also what Michael asked for.
filepath = getActualInspectionDir() + "\files"
dirContent = getParameterNamed(filepath.asFilename).directoryContents
ListPara = "inquireList(" + qm() + "Type auswählen" + qm()

for i = 1 to dirContent.size
	N[i] = getParameterNamed(dirContent,i)
	ListPara = ListPara + ",N[" + i + "]"
next i

ListPara = ListPara + ")"

ItemName = getParameterNamed(ListPara)

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  • 4 months later...
An other idea with the selectFileDialog?
// selectFileDialog([path (or path symbol such as directoryPath)[,Filter[,Dialogtext[,Return mode]]]]
//For more option, please check the PCM manual (seach for "selectFileDialog")

DIALOG="Please select file"
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  • 2 weeks later...
Wouldn't this be the simpler way to do it?


dir = getActualInspectionDir()

Part_Number = inquireList("Which part number are you inspecting?","13-12345","13-23456","13-34567")
selectCase Part_Number

case "13-12345"
readPCMFile(dir + "\13-12345.PARA")

case "13-23456"
readPCMFile(dir + "\13-23456.PARA")

case "13-34567"
readPCMFile(dir + "\13-34567.PARA")


.PARA file with variables is in the program folder.
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  • 3 weeks later...
An example without "if" or "select case"
For more variants, just expand T1, T2,T3...

clearParameter() //Clear all Parameter
clearCAD() // Deletes the loaded CAD model
MeinLogFile = "C:\temp\PCM\log.txt" // My Log File
aSep = " | " //A separator for my log file

PathInspection = getActualInspectionDir() //Here is the measurement plan
FileExtension = ".para" // File extension
Path = PathInspection +"\PCM\" // There is a subfolder PCM in the measurement plan. Here are my PCM files

//------A selection list of variants---------
T0 ="Please select "

T1 = "small ring"
T2 = "middle ring"
T3 = "big ring"
Variante = inquireList(T0,T1,T2,T3) //Query and remember the variant

PCMFileName = Path + Variante + FileExtension // Build complete path structure together
display(PCMFileName) //Show complete path structure

addToFile(MeinLogFile,"This variant was selected: ",PCMFileName,aSep, dateAndTime()) //Write path structure and date to log file

if fileExists(PCMFileName)
message("File is there: " ,cr(),PCMFileName ,cr()," ==> CNC process is started")
readPCMFile(PCMFileName) //read in the parameter file

CADFile = Path+"CAD" + Variante + ".sab"
if fileExists(CADFile) == true
// There is no parameter file !!!!
message("There is no parameter file !!!! " ,cr(),cr(), PCMFileName) // output message
cncBreak() // Switch traffic light to red

// Write information in the report header
// setRecordHead("drawingno",ZeichNr) //Write the drawing number

// aktiviere die Datenbankvariantensteuerung ab CALYPSO 2022
// activate the database variant control from CALYPSO 2022
// Prepare / Results to File / PiWeb reporting / Configuration /Separate Database for each variant
setRecordHead("variant", Variante) // Write the variant
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