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Calypso 7.4 Layout


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Moin zusammen,

der Weihnachtsmann hat uns mit Calypso 7.4 beschenkt und ich bin direkt genervt vom neuen Layout, mir ist schleierhaft wie man so einen unübersichtlichen schwarz-weiss-grauen Müll erzeugen kann...
Kann man die Symbole bzw das ganze Design irgendwie irgendwo auf die alte Version umstellen?

Grüße, Micha
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Hallo zusammen und ein "frohes Neues"!!!
Ja, so ist das heute leider! Die Meinung der Anwender wird nicht mit einbezogen,
aber wenn man sich heute umsieht, egal welche Software oder Internetseite, ist ja
überall der gleiche Kinderkram mit diesen Piktogrammen.
Umstellen auf altes Layout wird nicht gehen, aber ein Tipp:
Sieh doch mal bei E-Bay nach, ob Du noch einen alten Schwarz-Weiss-Monitor findest!!! (nicht ganz ernst gemeint)!!!
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Ich bin hier genau der selben Meinung. Es wirkt alles total unübersichtlich (beispiel das Symbol für Innenmessung und Außenmessung eines Kreises 😱 ) und man findet sich meiner Meinung nach schwerer zu recht als bei den vorigen Versionen.
Ich hab das uch beim Webinar "ZEISS CALYPSO 2022 Highlights" angesprochen.
Dort wurde mir gesagt, dass es keine Möglichkeit gibt das Layout auf vorige Versionen umzustellen und dass die Optik Geschmackssache sei.

Bleibt nur die Hoffnung, dass die Rückmeldungen allgemein so negativ ausfallen, dass sich die Entwickler besinnen und dahingehend "einen Schritt zurück gehen".
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Frohes Neues!

Nun, über Geschmack lässt sich trefflich streiten. Jedoch ist das neue Layout einfach nur voll daneben!

Und ja: Wenn die Abteilung SW-Design mal das Hirn eingeschaltet hätte wäre ein Schalter "Altes Design" den Softwareentwicklern sicherlich erlaubt worden. Zu hoffen, dass Zeiss sich mit der jetzigen 32Bit Version noch irgendwie weiter anstrengt ist wohl aussichtslos.
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Noch was zu Calypso 2022 😭 🫣

Die neue Startseite von Calypso 2022 zum Prüfplan öffnen?

Ich muss zum Öffnen eines neuen Prüfplans jetzt immer einmal mehr klicken!
Es geht erst der neue Öffnen-Dialog auf und dann muss man noch "Durchsuchen" klicken!
Vorher klickte man auf Datei öffnen man gab die Nummer ein fertig!
Dies funktionierte sogar mit Tastaturbefehlen.(ALT+ D und dann f )

Wer braucht eine endlose Liste mit zuletzt verwendeten Prüfplänen, 5-10 reichen da!
Favoriten, ok wer's braucht kanns machen, für mich ist jeder Prüfplan wichtig!
Im neuen Dialog kann man auch nur mit der Maus arbeiten, Tastaturbefehle funktionieren nicht.

Man kann diesen Dialog nicht ausschalten oder umgehen!

Wenn man pro Tag einen Prüfplan aufmachen muss ist das in Ordnung aber nicht wenn man alle 15-30 Min. einen anderen öffnen muss.

Mich ärgert dieser Dialog bei jedem Prüfplan öffnen.
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Hi @Kevin Harold and all
about these MyVOICE:

Normally an extra thread is necessary for this 😉 But it's just annoying to hear "Use the myVoice ..." to excuse over and over again. I am grateful that Zeiss has set up something like this at all. However, if we look at the reactions and effective results, we have to conclude: This is only for reassure the users. 😡

Rejection of proposals or requests without any justification, unclear status ( what is Accepted ? ), response times of up to 2 years and so on. So please spare us this black hole or take it as a challenge for Zeiss to actively promote the good idea. 😉

Enclosed is a simple statistic about the CALYPSO area of MyVOICE.(Have a look that some date data seemed to be mixed up, but that is what is displayed by the MyVOICE Web-App... )

Best Regards
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Good day Karsten,

Regarding your statement of disregard to the MyVoice module on the Portal, ZEISS takes pride in making the requests of its users public for all users to see and support. Displaying of faults publicly shows that ZEISS is highly invested in identifying and correcting those conditions for the betterment of its users.

From the data in the chart you posted; [list=]
  • ~20% of all MyVoice posts have been addressed and solved by development through versions/service packs/patches and can now be utilized by the entire community
  • [list=]
  • ~8% are in a queue to be addressed by development for current or future version releases
  • [list=]
  • ~2% are currently in progress with development for current or future version releases
  • Thats a total of 30% of all customer MyVoice submissions/feedback that have been addressed by the development teams of a software package used in industries widely all over the world. I would call that an amazing success rate, not an excuse.

    I cannot, from memory, recall any other organization that puts the issues its users see in the public eye right in the open and provides updates on their status for all. The simple fact that any Portal user can pull those metrics is an indication of the commitment ZEISS has to its customers concerns.

    Kevin Harold was advising you, and all that read the thread, that if you wish to see features added or changes made, the proper channel is through the MyVoice module on the ZEISS Portal. MyVoice is a direct conduit to the ZEISS development teams where as the standard conversations/banter on forums (such as this exact text) is easily overlooked. The responses to the MyVoice submissions are direct from development teams as well. If you see a response, you can be assured that your issue has been heard. Can you say that about any other software you use on a standard user level? I hope there are others that use this model but I am fairly confident the pickings are slim.

    As far as the delay in implementation/repsonse you see; Many requested features/changes cannot be made to the existing version of software without extensive testing on overall performance and impact with interacting code/calculation as creating an unforeseen impact on current versions in use would be counter-productive and irresponsible. Changes may not be possible at all on the current version due to conflicts of operation. For this reason, many changes, if they are feasible, cannot be made until the next version of Calypso (currently 7.6) or even the following version (currently 7.8) is released.

    I hope this adds a little clarity and changes the gravitational impact of your aforementioned "black hole".
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    Thanks Jeff. I wholeheartedly agree. Zeiss listens and proactively seeks to serve its customers. This level of engagement is the reason I have remained a loyal Zeiss advocate. Zeiss service is second to none.

    Specific to MyVoice, I do have one critique. This is a sentiment I believe is shared among others on the forums:
    • Sometimes when Zeiss marks a suggestion on MyVoice as resolved, it is not truly resolved.
    • For example, often the person posting the idea is not merely asking if something is possible in Calypso or Piweb, but they are asking for a better way to do something that is already possible. However, the suggestion is marked as resolved perhaps inappropriately.
    In this suggestion, the person requests that an option be made readily accessible inside the feature window. However, because the option is already possible but buried deeper within the user interface, Zeiss marks the suggestion as resolved.

    In these type of instances, I feel that Zeiss has potential for improvement in the area of active listening. It helps to take a step back before responding to a question and ask, "Do I truly understand what the requester is asking?"

    Once again, Zeiss does truly care about its customers. MyVoice is a great example of this. Perhaps there is room for improvement, however, on how MyVoice suggestions are handled.

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    Thank you for the feedback Jeff. Please believe that when I say I fully understand and empathize with your frustration it is with brutal honesty. As you have likely experienced in the past, when you spend a great deal of time conveying a topic or idea in text form and send it to someone to review, all too often they read the first line or two and assume they know the rest. This happens to me more times than not during email communication (as you have likely received one of my lengthy emails personally, most times I get responses to only the first line or two leaving the next 10 directives unaddressed).

    I am guilty of it myself as well but make a conscious effort to put the time in to read for full comprehension, sometimes at the cost of time. I'll admit I've experienced the 'egg on my face' for only skimming the last few paragraphs in a 10 paragraph email or 10+ bounce email chain.

    At the risk of sounding like a broken record, and I know the groans it will get, but there is a literally a section in MyVoice for suggestions on improving MyVoice. I can only suggest that you make that suggestion there. Any time you post or see an idea that should get its due attention, I would implore you to share it in the forum and within relevant communication circles. In a social media driven world, the same value seems to hold true here also, pump up those "likes". It may not be a perfect system but it is better than most and ZEISS is absolutely present for ideas to improve.

    If you see an idea "Resolved" by comment of something I despise such as "functions as designed", where the "Resolution" is anything but, I encourage you to post it again and refer to the previous posting as insufficient.

    A little insider tip: MyVoice gets more attention than you may realize. It is also one of ZEISS' internal communication methods for software improvement suggestions.
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