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probes can't go through metal


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Friends, I could use some help. I have reversed engineered the inside curve of a pipe. Every time the probe runs along this curve, it runs into the pipe on the way to the next feature. There is no retract, just immediate crashing.

I've tried adding a CMM step without probing to get it up and out of the way, but it still crashes. All the clearance planes are +z. Any thoughts?

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Look for a stray point, it may have been a click on the screen. show and select the individual point at the end of the offending feature. You can go thru them one at a time.
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Do what Dave said. Then, turn the "Probing before nominal position" up to somewhere around 0.25" to 0.5", depending on the size of the feature and space available for retract. Turn the speed knob down and creep it in slowly to the workpiece.

This setting helps find a surface when the actual geometry of the part is much different than its nominal values. This increases cycle time but has helped me out many times, especially on welded, die cast and plastic parts that vary in size and shape.

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A few things to look at -

Check your clearance cube heights - make sure the part is not sticking outside this cube for any reason. It happens, especially when you move a base alignment around after creating the safety cube.

For the segment that your stylus keeps hitting *after* the measurement is complete - Under the measurement strategy there is the Clearance Data. Open this and make sure you have "Before and After" selected in the "Move to.." drop down. With unique geometries and certain travel paths you will want the stylus to "go in" and "go out" the same way and same distances. Possibly increase the clearance/retract distance as well. It can add a few seconds to your program, which is much more desirable than crashing your styli.

Please look at these, and let me know if this is helpful.
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Thanks for the tips, I ran through them all, but no luck.

In the end, I just deleted the problem curve and made a new one that has no issues.
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