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MMB on Plane


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I don't think this is legit but I think I understand what the drawing is trying to tell me. I'm guessing if surface T has less stock on, I can add to the profile tolerance to the face opposite T. I'm shooting for parts that are made without the need of calculating any MMB.

Maybe a formula that takes the difference between minimum point on surface T and the max allowable point and add to the profile tolerance??? Seems like smoke and mirrors to me.

I've inquired with customer but probably won' hear back until next week.

Profile with MMB.jpg

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Doesn't look legit to me. MMB only applies to features of size, and a plane is not a feature of size. If it were referring to the width, that would be a feature of size, but per the print shown, that doesn't seem to be the case. However, keep in mind in the real world, customer intent isn't always communicated properly. Best to wait and hear back from them for clarification, imo.
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