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base alignment


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How would i go about setting up my base alignment for this part?
i current have the datum as my spatial and X,Z origin and the right face as my Y origin. Getting mixed results after runs on the .003 runout.
Unsure if creating a 3d line with the datum and the 3.001 bore and using that as my spatial would help at all.

Screenshot 2022-12-01 153424.jpg

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I am not sure where the .3001 bore is at but I think you are right. I would use a circle on datum A and a circle on Datum B, create a 3D line recalling them for the spatial. The base alignment doesn't have to use the datums.
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yeah the screen shot made the print a bit small, the 3.001 bore is the feature in the center of the part, was not able to check both datum in a single program due to granite table size.
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Make your base alignment as simple as possible.
You do not need to use datums.
All the base alignment needs to do is establish something exists in the volumetric area of the CMM.
You can create an Alignment in the characteristics tab that is attached to all your features after the Base Alignment.
Generally I create what I coined as a CNC Alignment, this alignment typically has the primary datum structure which is relative to most features.
CNC Alignment1 A_B_C
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