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Properties mixed up after save/load autorun file


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Dear experts,

We just start with autorun so if I´m asking for a well known issue please bear with me.

CALYPSO 7.0.20

We define a layer (KD1) using context menu ( right mouse button ). Within this layer we define two start buttons using "New program insert" Icon. Now back to the Layer KD1 and change a few properties. At least we save this structure to a file names TEST.

Open this configuration the properties of KD1 layer are moved to one program icon 😮 😮

Is this a hidden feature of ZEISS which we do not understand or is our way to set up a autorun struture wrong?

Best Regards


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Looks like a software bug to me (is there a newer service pack?). I never saw this happen, but then I usually don't set properties on layer icons.
I think I saw slight differences in layer behvaior depending on whether it was created from the menu or by right clicking. But my memory might fool me there...

By the way, the *.arn file is a simple ASCII text file. You may want to browse it a bit, maybe there's something you can edit out (don't forget to backup first).
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Are you creating the edits in this manner? 4710_597d8e422477c835debe350bba245d48.png
I have made dozens of multi-level AutoRun files in 7.0.# alone and have never seen this behavior.

I am curious what you did specifically that resulted in the transition of the icon properties of one icon to another. Like Norbert said, this entire *.arn is a simple ASCII text file so it is odd to see text properties transposed to an alternate location without presenting an error.
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Dear Norbert, Dear Jeff

Thank you for confirming that we seem to have stumbled upon something special. People like to doubt themselves...

OK, I spend a little time to analyse the .arn file using CALYPSO 7.020 and 7.404. Here is the rough result:

The entries are sorted from top to bottom in sections. All following sections are assigned to the top section until another top section is found. So, it´s a straight forward organisation without indexing.
Top Sections are:
[DESK NAME :Name_of_layer]. This describes a Layer
[BRANCH NAME :Name_of_branch]. This is a sub layer within a layer
[INSPECTION NAME :Name_of_inspection_plan]. The section which contains the inspection plan definition and so on.
So far so good 😉

If we define some properties they will be attached to the section [COMMENTTEXT : ( some_properties ... )] And this is the issue wich we see. If we add some properties to the first Layer as the last step before writing the .arn file, the section [COMMETTEXT : ()] is simply appended to the .arn file. Due to the order of the sections in the file, subsections are assigned to the top section above them. This means the defined properties are NOT assigned to the top section any more.

So for my point of view it´s a bug and not a feature 😃

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Hilarious! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

Calypso 7.2.0805

Karsten, I guess you found out by yourself that by cutting and inserting the COMMENTTEXT section immediately after the DESK NAME line you can set things back to normal:
[DESK NAME          :Now you see me....]
[COMMENTTEXT        :((Core.Dictionary new) add: (#background -> (Gradient basicNew instVarAt: 1 put: Graphics.ColorValue red; instVarAt: 2 put: (Graphics.ColorValue scaledRed: 3072 scaledGreen: 3072 scaledBlue: 8191); instVarAt: 3 put: true; yourself)); add: (#fillEffect -> #gradientFill); yourself)]
This is something Zeiss should definitely fix.
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Hi Norbert,

Thanks for your effort 😃
vi my.arn,G,dd,/[DESK NAME,n,p,:wq will fix it 🤣

To be honest:
I have just about given up on Zeiss software development fixing such small bugs. Major construction sites such as Planner or memory-leaks are no longer being tackled. I hope that the resources will then be used wisely for the new 64-bit version.
Nevertheless, I will create a service request. 🙂

Best Regards
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Hello Karsten,

I see the same issue when I duplicate your method. I will dig into this deeper to see if a resolution exists. I am sorry for the frustration this has caused.
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