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Tooth measurement with missing gaps


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Hello everyone,
I have to measure EXTERNAL splines , with every second GAP missing 17(34).
I've created external splines , in "Missing tooth" menu had to switch to gap measurement in order to remove the gaps.
Everything runs smoothly , but cannot get result values for Tooth thickness and Mdk.
Is there a way to evaluate them?
P.S. (switching from Gap to Tooth measurement doesn't help , it makes the program regenerate model and remove teeth instead of gaps, both in "Missing tooth" and "Global technology" menus).
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Did you get an error : "cannot calculate base tangent line"
This i got by using single flank measurement of pitch.
When i change to double flank measurement i get the values you want.

This needs a probehead which can measure selvcentering , like VAST or VAST XT

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Hello, can you provide a picture from the real part?
Do you have missing teeth or missing gaps?
I understand that you every second gap is missing => that means that you don´t have complete teeth.
That means that tooth thickness can´t be evaluated.
But gap width should be possible.
Maybe you can provide the .act file to my support colleagues and we can have a look into the results.
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