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Protokollkopfparameter in Standard Protokoll


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Moin Experten,

Sicherlich eine sehr einfache Frage jedoch finde ich einfach keine Lösung 😕

CALYPSO: 7.0.20
PiWeb Designer:

Es gibt in etwa 39 System Protokollkopfparameter. Nun möchte ich einfach einen dieser Parameter (Version:) nutzen und in unser StandardProtokoll einfügen. Im PiWeb Designer finde ich diese Variable aber weder im Kontextmenu "Variablen" noch in "Vorgeschlagene Variable".
Wo kann ich also eine vollständige Liste der K-Nummern und deren Zuordnung finden?

Beste Grüße
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C:\Program Files (x86)\Zeiss\CALYPSO 7.0\userinfo\manuals\en

In the Calypso Basic Manual.
For version 7.0 it is Section 8. Pages 8-25 / 8-27.

Name - Version
PCM Identifier - vda_version
PiWeb Catalog - Part – K1004
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Dear Jeff,

Thanks a lot for this exact tip!
Now I see, that if this parameter is defined once the name/value key is written to the file protheadpara at the program directory. Like: vda_version,42

My variable entry in file StandardProtocol.ptx is: ${IfNotEmpty(Qdb.Part(1004), "0.0")}. Switch On/OFF the usage of this parameter should be defined in "protocol head parameter settings" usind the radio button.
Unfortunately this switch is ignored. As long as the variable vda_version is defined in file protheadpara the current value is used. 🙁

Excuse my bad English

Best Regards
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Yes, the values remain unless you use a command to clear them via PCM 'clearParameter()'. Also, on a side note for the Piweb reporting target values. If turn on "Bubble Help" and you open the "Select report header parameters" window from the Multiple Report window, you hover the mouse over the right side (below the "?") the Piweb reporting target value will display as bubble. The same area a purple "U" appears for custom defined variables.

If you are using PCM, the command clearParameter("vda_version") or vda_version = "" should be used in report_end_pcm.txt to make sure it is empty for the next measurement run but not cleared before data is sent to your PiWeb database.
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