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detailed protocol


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I'm working on an AS9102 template. I'd like to add a detailed row for Position that will accommodate "bonus" tolerance per part.
The lower tolerance doesn't apply, so I deleted it. I would like the base tolerance in requirement, but want to add bonus tolerance or total, to each column. I can double row height. I just need help on how I get the correct one. (-1,-2,-3 etc.)


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Unfortunately it doesn't work that way with this variable. I think because it is a characteristic, not a measured value. The data has to be accessible because Zeis table protocol and conditional formatting need it ? I think it is available under a different variable..
Here is a shot of Zeiss protocol and my attempted calculation of part (-1) It has no effect on returned number. It's always last measurement.
You only get one "bonus" displayed in the table protocol, even though you could have 12 results..

once.JPGbonus calc.JPGtableprotocol.JPG

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