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How to change the Incremental Counter via PCM?


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I have a program that runs three parts on a fixture.
There are 9 parts in total.
I have to run the program three times to complete the 9 parts for one set.
Due to size restrictions, three parts is the best I can run at a time.
What I am trying to do, is after the first three parts are completed I want to increment the counter by one, this will give me three total reports which I can combine later.

The Base Alignment keeps my coordinate system for each set of three.
Currently I have three mini plans, run three parts, load the next three parts and then change the Incremental Counter to the next value.
This requires the operator to uncheck the "Clear existing results" to run mini plan 2 and 3 or they have to start over. Which means reloading the first set of three and start with mini plan 1.

If you follow this, jump in with some probable solutions please.
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