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I think it is the best in measurement reporting, of course it is open to improvement.

Reporting according to each company, each part and each person may also have deficiencies. Visuality in reporting, of course, depends on your imagination.

Does Piweb give you what you want? i think so yes

It's just that sometimes there are connection problems with Calypso. It's annoying that it doesn't report after a program that lasts 50 minutes.

Only 1000 measurement reports are bad, SBS or Enterprise cost is too high so bosses do not look positively.

Customers I get positive feedback on my presentations with Piweb. A customer using Mutitoyo received detailed information from me.

Also, it would be perfect if all the data made with Piweb could be exported to excel in the same way.
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Sure, PiWeb can do almost anything you need, but the major drawback, in my opinion, is that in order to customise it to your specific needs it requires a lot of training on its inner workings. PiWeb is not intuitive at all and has a steep learning curve which puts off a lot of people from successfully using it.
For me, I only use the pre-made templates. If there is something custom I need from measurements then I will output the CMM data and analyse it using Python. I know not everyone knows python or some other programming language and I see the irony here. Here I am complaining about the steep learning curve of PiWeb only to use another thing that has a steep learning curve. In all honesty though, learning python was way more intuitive than trying to learn PiWeb. At the time when I was learning both, python quickly became more useful sooner, so I default to this method now.
If I need to do some data exploration, there's nothing better than to spin up a Jupyter notebook and load the data using panda and create some visualisations using matplotlib. For me, using this approach saves a lot of time and headache from using PiWeb.
Anyway, that's just my two cents on the matter. It's interesting to read everyone else's opinions and see a lot of commonality among certain aspects of PiWeb.
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I am both. Was a PiWeb Stan since the release in the US. I used it at my previous employer from 2012-2018.

I still use it almost daily for core functionality of my current job - which is contract inspection.
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