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Save measurments in cvs file (live data) during deformation tracking


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I would like to save predefined measurments (e.g. coordinates of a single point or a distance) during deformation tracking. This should be possible under "live data handling". I manage to generate a log file "Protokolldatei" for my measurment, however, all that is saved there is the frame number and the time stamp.

"Index";"Time UTC"
"0";"2022-05-04 12:47:47,499"

And I would like to have something like:

"Index";"Time UTC";"Point1dX [mm]";"Point1dY [mm]";"Point1dZ [mm]";...
"0";"2022-05-04 12:47:47,499";"1,12";"6,56";"3,22";...

I can't figure out where I can select, what data I want to include into the file.

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Hello Emir,

if you would like to stream data during a deformation tracking (live measurement) out of ARAMIS software, you need to create your checks on base of a reference image. 

Only if you have inspections (scalar values no full field evaluations), the data will be saved in the csv file. You can check which data will be saved in a csv during a live measurement if you check whether the data is shown in our software in the diagram.

Hope this helps to proceed.

Best Regards,

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Hey Michael,

I did create some measurments, but did not include them as inspection items. Now it works. Thank you for your support.

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