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Report Page editing with using script commands


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Hello All,

I want to edit the report page through script commands. However, software does not allow me to record basic commands like "align labels on edge". I can  create report page, and change the name, template_orientation through script. Is there a way to align labels with using script commands in GOM Software 2021?

Thanks in advance,


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Evening ,

The software is not set up to do this.

The intention is that you create all the reports you need and the parametrics will work through that the report pages will be recalculated on mesh exchange.

There shouldnt be a need to create pages or indeed inspection ' on the fly'

Do you have a special case?

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Hello James,

The script we used is really long and includes many characters to deal with. It has 3D view of section profiles and table in each report page.  I thought that if there is a basic script command like align labels on edge then it could really help us to create more standard reporting pages without human interference since they  are located randomly on 3D view.

Many thanks,


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Hello everyone,

Support for those commands that the user can apply to elements of a report page by mouse clicks would indeed be helpful! After all, the report pages to which the parametric is then applied after a measurement must first be created. And this may not necessarily have to be done manually, but could possibly be done by a script. If it could do that...


Hallo allerseits,

eine Unterstützung derjenigen Befehle, welche der User auf Elemente einer Reportseite durch Mausklicks anwenden kann, wäre in der Tat hilfreich! Immerhin muss man ja die Reportseiten, auf welche die Parametrik nach einer Messung dann angewandt wird, ja erstmal erzeugen. Und das muss man vielleicht nicht unbedingt manuell machen, sondern das könnte womöglich ein Skript erledigen. Wenn es das denn könnte...

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My view is that this wish goes in the direction of having such options for report pages stored as a property to apply within the report template

And/or expansion of the tag/tag scene possibilities

if your sections are relating to aerofoil reporting there are already some packages to help with report page generation ( driven by tags)

Maybe a developer can comment 🙂

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