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I have a PiWeb template I downloaded from somewhere. It is really close to what I need, but I can't get the characteristics to stay in order. Where do I change that ?
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I have two copies, both have been modified. One copy works and the other doesn't. I followed Richards instruction. I believe this comes with the latest PiWeb but I couldn't find it on the portal. I'd like to see an original copy as well.
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I am trying to assign the characteristic attributes. They are not in the report header menu you show. I can right click the characteristic, and assign the attribute, but cannot find the variable in PiWeb editor to add it to my report.
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Hello John,

I'm also looking for a way to assign K2005 in CALYPSO.

Response from Software Support and Product Management, "This feature is only available in SBS and Enterprise" 😮 .

The only possibility in PiWeb Reporting Plus:
Open DataBase => Show Characteristis => assign K2005, but the next run overwrites the input 🙁 🙁 🙁 !
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They are supported, but they just limit you to the mapping portion of it.

The main thing to remember is to not use spaces in the internal name portion, you can use underscores though.
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For me it's very important to assign K2005 directly by CALYPSO like "sample size, sample kind, distribution, ..." to get the full functionality (filter) inside PiWeb Reporting Plus.

So output of the value-name pair inside the report isn't the question.

It's also confusing the operator to have nearly same labled properties with different behaviour.

Is there a workaround to assign the bloody name-value pair to the K2005?

For all answers, Many thanks.
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