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automatic healing problem


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As usual I imported a model, auto healed, create geometry, and transformed to location. Everything was going ok. Programmed a handful of space points, and the EDM guy says NO WAY. Those errors are too big.
Checked and rechecked. It all looks ok. So, I started to extract features on the part to see if I had twisted or skewed something during transformation. Most everything was looking fine, then I extracted a small plane. It was supposed to match another plane on the opposite side of the centerline. Instead of a match it was 1.5 degrees different in X/Y.
At that point I was about to call the engineering department and complain, but just to see if it was something I did, I opened a new file and imported the cad model. I did nothing to it at all.

After extracting the same features there was NO ERROR.
Then I healed, with create geometry and the error showed up again.

I am pretty sure this means there IS an error in the model, but I have too much going on to spar with eng. at this time.
Anyone else see this happen? Any insight into the problem?
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Do you need to heal the model? The reason I am asking is that I only heal models as a last resort. And, I do it in steps. First time, I just click OK with the default settings. If that doesn't help, I do it again with Simplification checked. If that doesn't work, I do it again with Stitching checked. And, lastly, I check build geometry. I learned this from Mark Busha from Zeiss.

I'm also very cautious about "building geometry" on a part that is not made up of standard geometry.
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Until I hit a surface that isn't there, how am I supposed to know if I need to heal? I will be using simplification and stitching from here on out. (that's what I was taught...100 years ago! Not sure when I changed that, I'm getting old)
How do you "tell" if you need healing?
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If I extract a feature and it doesn't extract what I expected to be. Just this week, I was extracting what I thought should be a torus but it came out as a cone. I healed the model using "build geometry" ( didn't follow my own rules) and then it came out as a torus.

Healing models used to be in the BASIC CALYPSO training manual but then Zeiss removed it. I asked them why it was no longer in the training manuals and I was told that there were customers that did not want their models modified, so Zeiss dropped healing from their curriculum.
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If I'm working with the EDM dept. We rarely, if ever, extract features. They deal with models, prints are just reference. I learned early on that these guys just want space points. So the only way I'll find an error is by falling through a feature or getting unreasonably large deviations. At that point healing may cause issues with multiple areas. I wish there was a way to "check" the model BEFORE making a big program.
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It's generally dangerous to trust in the healing function doing some magic tricks to restore the model as it was meant to be. After all, if healing is needed, it means there's information missing, so healing needs to "guess" to a certain amount what this infomation may have been.

Unfortunately you can not even trust Calypso to always extract the right kind of feature type from the model. Calypso uses feature approximation which cannot be disabled. Especially with small faces this often results in wrong interpretations. The face may be part of a sphere, but Calypso thinks it's a cone or even a plane. To analyze such problems better, you're well advised to use a separate 3D viewer with measuring functions where approximation mode can be disabled.

This post has a link to a document describing the healing process in detail:
Use the lower link, as the information on spatial.com is no longer free.
Errm....and don't think I've read that all..... 😕
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