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Erweiterte Positionstoleranz - Fehler in QS-Stat


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Hallo zusammen,

wir haben festgestellt, dass die Verwendung der erweiterten Positionstoleranz zu einem falschen Ausgabewert in QS-Stat führt.

Wir haben eine Position gemessen und diese einmal erweitert (oben) und einmal normal (unten) ausgegeben.

Auf dem PiWeb-Protokoll passt alles. 303_478cb7d89fd58f76aee0d208cc7189b5.png

In der *.dfq-File passt auch alles (rot die Positionen, grün die XY-Erweiterung) 303_994009c81fa445035032f2874a86556a.png

Im QS-Stat tritt der Fehler auf; es wird nur die Hälfte des tatsächlichen Wertes (nur bei der erweiterten Ausgabe) angezeigt. 303_48fcf9b5fc4bbd6148f88d9eedadcdcf.png

Kennt jemand das Problem? Der Fehler scheint vom QS-Stat-Programm zu kommen, wir können aber nichts dazu finden.

Grüße, Micha
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Seems like Andreas didn't understand your question.

You posted only end line of DFQ file, but did you checked upper part with text? Is it same value? If yes, then QS-Stat can is to blame.

As i looked up documentation, then K2009/x will have number 109 - True position - then it will know, that this number is doubled.
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Hi Martin,

this is the interesting section out of the dfq-file. I hope i didn't cut off too much.
Pos 3 is the extended Position
Pos 4 is the X-value of Pos 3
Pos 5 is the Y-value of Pos 3
Pos 6 is the normal Position evaluation

In Pos 3 and in Pos 6 K2009/x is 109
In the value-list in the last line the Position value is 0.0287978. But QS-Stat does 0.0287978 / 2 (half value) for the extended position.

K2001/3 3
K2002/3 position ref 'B' to gearing 'D' clamping points^1
K2003/3 Position polar 2d
K2008/3 2
K2009/3 109
K2030/3 3
K2100/3 0.035000
K2101/3 0.0000000
K2110/3 0.000000
K2111/3 0.070000
K2112/3 0.0000000
K2113/3 0.0700000
K2120/3 2
K2121/3 1
K2151/3 0.070000
K2213/3 0.0287978
K2001/4 4
K2002/4 position ref 'B' to gearing 'D' clamping points^1.X
K2003/4 Position polar 2d.X
K2009/4 0
K2031/4 3
K2100/4 0.000000
K2101/4 0.0000000
K2110/4 -0.035000
K2111/4 0.035000
K2112/4 -0.0350000
K2113/4 0.0350000
K2120/4 1
K2121/4 1
K2151/4 0.070000
K2213/4 -0.0029563
K2001/5 5
K2002/5 position ref 'B' to gearing 'D' clamping points^1.Y
K2003/5 Position polar 2d.Y
K2009/5 0
K2031/5 3
K2100/5 0.000000
K2101/5 0.0000000
K2110/5 -0.035000
K2111/5 0.035000
K2112/5 -0.0350000
K2113/5 0.0350000
K2120/5 1
K2121/5 1
K2151/5 0.070000
K2213/5 -0.0140922
K2001/6 6
K2002/6 position ref 'B' to gearing 'D' clamping points1^1
K2003/6 Position polar 2d
K2009/6 109
K2100/6 0.035000
K2101/6 0.0000000
K2110/6 0.000000
K2111/6 0.070000
K2112/6 0.0000000
K2113/6 0.0700000
K2120/6 2
K2121/6 1
K2151/6 0.070000
K2213/6 0.0287978
K0008/0 2
K0014/0 Test Position
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Hi Michael,

as you can see - major difference between them are - K2008 and K2030
K2008 - Positional tolerance
K2030 - Simple Grouping using K2031 ( K2030 is defining group / K2031 is childrens of that group - here it is num. 3 )

If you look up file "qdasconv.con" on path "c:\Users\Public\Documents\Zeiss\CALYPSO x.x\" - there you can make some changes, but i am not entirely sure if you can remove filling of those K2008 and K2030/K2031.


Just tested - if you rem lines for K2008, K2030 and K2031 ( by adding "#" - aka "#K2008" ) then it won't be populated on DFQ file.
If you make this "K2031 5 I W:" then it will be in file, but it will be empty
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Hi Martin,

i tried to change K2008 settings in qdasconv.com
Our setting is: "K2008 10 I" (it's an i)
changed to: "K2008" result is the same wrong one
changed to: "# K2008" (masked), no dfq-file

Do you know where Calypso is calculating the values for the K2008?
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We got news from Zeiss Support:

QDAS did some changes in their latest version. You have 2 options to get a correct evaluation:

1. change some settings in the QDAS configuration: 303_6941d0fadcc6400d9429df2c3efc19f3.jpg

2. wait for the next patch for Calypso 7.4
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