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XXT RDS CAA: Qualify a stylus point in the Z+ direction?


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I like the glass doors in your lab, Rick. It looks like a nice space.

I've qualified Z+ 45°_X+ 45° but not fully Z+. I bet a Vast could do it, but I don't know about an XXT. I double dog dare you.
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I'm guess you're exceeding the 15 gram weight limit and maybe even the 65mm max lateral extension recommendations. Live on the edge....

Just rotate the reference sphere to the picture below. You may need to place it on a riser. Use Tilt: 90° and Rotation: 90°


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Yeah - We have to borrow the RSH from our Accura to qualify tips on the RDS in this orientation. It's too tall for any other orientation though. Lol.
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In the old days, before the ref spheres were adjustable, I would mount it on a knee and it looked like a modern water faucet.

In the older days, the magnetic v-block made it simple to mount on a knee.
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Tom Oaks solution worked for two articulations X+ and Y+.
When I ran Y-, it stalls out at the same point every time, the last point. The X axis drive motor makes a barely audible tone and then it times out.
See video, I taped the last few points when the qualification should finish and you can see it just stalls.
(Rename file from "Video.mov.zip" to "Video.mov").


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I regularly use styli qualified in Z+. We have lots of work where datums are located on the "bottom" of a part and there are features with form and location callouts back to those datums on the "top" (I especially use this method when there is a lot of material blocking navigation, such as on parts with "flange" sections) and sometimes multiple ops don't make sense, or is not possible.

Granted, I've never tried a "U" shaped stylus system; mine have always been L or T configurations, with a RDS-XXT sensor setup rotated appropriately in the B axis.

As a side note, I always found that qualifying probes like this didn't work so well when the sphere is tilted to 90° if the probe shank is 50mm or greater; I found myself needing to use a 135° tilt to qualify a 3x50mm T in the Z+ direction. The retract after qualification was too far in the Z- direction when it came off the reference sphere.
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Tom Oaks
No I did not try the Robust setting.

Jon Drown
And why didn't I think of articulating the head with an L or T shaped styli.... 🙄
🧑‍💻 🤣
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And then comes the decision on which way to construct your L or T probe, as you can only hit half of the possible probe approaches with one orientation, either left to right or front to back. You need 2 to cover all the options.
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With the XXT you can rotate about the A axis and hit all of your Z+ options. I have a 1.5x30mm L probe that I use for almost all of my "underneath" probing needs; front, back, left, and right "up" probes. If you are at B=90° with an L configuration you can achieve this by rotating about the A axis although I do have a "right" probe (A=0° B=0°) just so it has a normal down position for the XXT to be in when its picking up and putting away the stylus.

It's not pretty, but it totally works.
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