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Profile: Bilateral Unequal Distribution methods


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Why does the same feature report what appears to be two greatly deferent results for the following methods:
(All numeric values are in inches).
Bilateral with unequal distribution - one result.
Bilateral with unequal distribution - two results.

It seems to me that "Bilateral with unequal distribution - two results." ignores the size of the feature.
(Feature nominal: Ø1.28150, Feature actual: Ø1.25938, deviation: 0.02212)

See the attached JPG files.

Why are these results so different?

Profile_Unequal Dist with 2 results.JPGProfile_Unequal Dist with 1 result.JPG

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Profile tolerance is being calculated by determining the maximum dviation from tolerance zone symmetry line, I think in that 2 cases symmetry line is different.

Can I ask under what circumstance we should use bilateral tolerance zone with unequal distribution having two result??

What is the significance of the xyz value(additional report)??, I think it is being calculated from the maximum point and minimum point..
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Funny, I just finished typing up something on almost the same topic.

So as far as I can tell unequal 2 does the same thing as equal 2, where it just reports the greatest plus and minus deviations from the true profile. As reported, those appear to be +0.00413" and -0.00759". The only difference from equal distribution is the reported + and - edges of the tolerance zone. Unequal 1 follows a formula shown in ASME Y14.45 or is coincidentally matching it. This is P=T+2g. P is the profile result, T is the total width of the zone, and g is the shortest distance from a measured point to the zone boundary. g is a negative value within the zone, and positive without. In this case, with a bias of +0.03" and -0.01", your shortest distance is from the -0.00759" point to the -0.01" zone boundary, where g = -0.00241. Thus, P=0.04+2(-0.00241) = 0.04-0.00482 = 0.03518". With your report showing just 10 millionths off, I would say Calypso is rounding the displayed values.
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My monkey brain doesn't allow for the comprehension as to why you would ever have the need for an unequal distribution or even a unilateral tolerance zone.

Most of the machinists that I'm encountering now just make everything to the nominal of the model, so just sounds like a recipe for disaster.
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I can assure you the tolerance in the Profile dialog is the same, why it displays differently I do not know, never really noticed it before.
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We make heavy use of unequal distribution for areas of parts that get hand finished. Allowance for the inherent variation between people when removing material from a surface, while maintaining limits for our cosmetic criteria.
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I see ISO seems to offset the nominal profile - to keep the band 'equal' ; however I'm not a fan of it.

EDIT : After further review Y14.45, I still need to read it in detail, it seems this is allowing for some 'offset' of the band. - which is news to me and differs from Y14.5-2009 I believe.

EDIT2 : Yep, it seem per Y14.45 they are using the T + 2g calculation and shifting the profile, However per Y14.5-2018, I believe it clearly still states the bands apply from the TRUE PROFILE. Sec + (a) thru (d). - which is similar but still differs from ISO. Is there a Y14.5 version newer the 14.45 that correlates with this ? Yikes. Adding a 'growth factor' "g" to the calculation ? Jeesh, wish they could have left it simple enough as deviation from true profile (even though the doubling was over many peoples heads).

More research to do before I try to comprehend this ..
I'm sure Calypso clearly spells out how they report per which spec, etc.. and is easy for us to find .. 🤣
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I don't have a copy of 2018 to check, but I don't think the section on profile in 2009 actually specifies anything about result reporting at all. Presumably this is why 14.45 exists, additionally covering other measurements. At any rate, Y14.5-2018 is still the newest revision, and it is not currently being reviewed or revised. I believe the scope paragraph of 14.45 specifies 14.5-2018 as the version of note.
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