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Condition in Master prg with condition (if .... then) for macro executing or not


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Hello all,

I start to execute my CMM part program by some PCM commands in the presetting window.
in the command i execute on excel file with macro to generate 4 para. files (with datas following the part in the family).
in this family, we could have some machining or not following the article n°. i call this machining step "PRV" 5424_cb0cef913fcbc31442bd9b74cfb4a6f0.jpg
In the presetting i read and run the para file to get the variable "PosPRVPln" by these command :
ParaFolder = "\\Lis-vnxcifs1\machine3d$\programmes\CALYPSO\05-Indutec\RPV_Gen5\FileForZeissMach"
ParaFile1 = "\RpvGen5Datas.Para"
FullPathPara1 = ParaFolder + ParaFile1
Message1="check datas"

This first para file is to get the value of PosPRVPln.
I did one macro file for this "PRV" that i call in the master program.
I've defined one condition to execute or not this macro "PRV" following this : 5424_4140b4c1f2d80c47666e20168bb6880f.jpg
My problem is when i have PosPRVPln ==0 calypso execute the PRV macro that i want not.
Anybody has one idea ?
Many thanks in advance
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If you are running from feature list the conditions in characteristics list would not be applicable until calculation of the results and by then the features are already measured.
I would suggest creating miniplans that you activate with the command setRunID() in presettings.
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Good morning Henrik,

Many thanks for your idea.
Could i do a mini-plan with the macro ?

it means that i must have only one cmm part program , create some mini-plans and to define what i must measure or not ?

I wish you a nice day
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