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Get start alignment?


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I wrote:
//Force people to slowdown and check the alignment if it's not correct for any reason.
alignment_check = true
correct_alignment = "StartAlignmentName(Start)"

if not((getStartSetting("baseSystemRealName") == correct_alignment)) then
	alignment_check = confirm("Incorrect alignment, or "+chr(34)+"Current Alignment"+chr(34)+" selected!"+cr()+cr()+"The correct alignment is:	"+correct_alignment+cr()+cr()+"Pressing Yes will continue with the current settings ***DANGER OF COLLISION**"+cr()+cr()+"No will cancel and allow you to correct the alignment")

if not(alignment_check == true) then
is there a PCM function that will pull the proper start alignment name? so I can replace this:

correct_alignment = "StartAlignmentName(Start)"

With a variable instead of typing the right alignment into each program?

getStartSetting("baseSystemRealName") pull the currently selected one from the Run menu, so that's half of what I need, now I need to compare that value to the proper setting.
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If you haven't re-named your alignment system manually it should be the same as name of the program and you can try this:
correct_alignment = getRecordHead("planid") + "(Start)"
So if your inspection plan is called


above line returns

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They are renamed manually as the Start Alignments are shared among programs, so I need a way to pull the actual one that I define in the Base/Start Alignment window.
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if baseSystem().machine.inspection.hasStartSystem
	correct_alignment = baseSystem().machine.inspection.startSystemTaskAndElement.value.defBaseSystem.nameOfBaseSystem

	if getStartSetting("baseSystemRealName") <> correct_alignment
		if not(confirm(getStartSetting("baseSystemRealName")+" selected!"+cr()+cr()+"The correct alignment is: "+correct_alignment+cr()+cr()+"Pressing Yes will continue with the current settings ***DANGER OF COLLISION**"+cr()+cr()+"No will cancel and allow you to correct the alignment"))
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