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Drawing Review Questions


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The bidirectional position I can see. Set the position characteristic to Rectangle instead of Diametral and put the tolerances in each direction... with rotated coordinate systems to each hole.

I don't think the Bonus applied to Datum B is valid.
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I get these All the time with slots.
Tolerance will be different for the length and width of the slot, and a TP callout separately for the length and width in each direction.
So i just click the X only and Y only and give them what they want.
It basically doubles your tolerance, because you're only getting deviation in 1 axis so you can go .100 in X and .350 in Y.


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I can understand it on a slot, but not a round hole, and how would that even begin to function? Lol

In addition, as Michael said, not with a material modifier on B.

Please also note that there is no Datum C (or anything to control rotation around B), so a Best Fit will need to be applied as well.

Fun, fun stuff, but I think the material modifier on B is the big no, no here.
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I get that all the time, i guess it happens so often that i didn't even notice the improper MMC and rotation.
And these are not small companies, im talking outer space companies formerly owned by the US government, the owner of a mail order company, and the owner of an electric car manufacture.
So for C just draw a line between the 2 small circles and use that as your rotation, TP will work just fine as your main centerline is still the outer circle.
As for MMC, i just leave it out and hope the base tolerance is enough.
Standard stuff for an unsupervised first year engineer to put on a print.
Its led to many discussions on "Its 2022, why does Solidworks and other major CAD softwares even allow for MMC to be added to non features of size" but i guess you can do whatever you want with those softwares.
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-If the design intent of the two separate position controls is to establish a rectangular tolerance zone, then they need to remove the Ø symbol. They can keep the Ø shape of the zone, though, and you can choose "only x" and "only y" in the position characteristic for Calypso, and just create two position characteristics. Use a bore pattern.

-The MMB on Datum B is datum shift, so bonus is not allowed, but the datum feature can move. Fortunately, Calypso can calculate the characteristic while considering the actual datum shift. This is very difficult to achieve with a surface plate setup.
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