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Standard filters with multiple Ø sizes


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Hello everybody,

We just started to make use of the "variable strategy editor" for making our measurement plans since it can save a lot of time eliminatig typing in the same values over and over again.
It's a very cool function. I was wondering if something like this also exists for the filters.

I already tried experimenting with the "Save/Load defaults" method but it doesn't fill my needs…
You can make seperate sets for small/medium or big parts, each with their own settings but what if your part contains for example
Ø's between 8mm and 120mm. Each should have different UPR values according to the cookbook.

In the variable strategy editor you can set multiple sets of values which differ according to, for example, the size of the measured feature.

Is this also possible for the filters ?

Thanks in advance.
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setFilter(['Characteristic'],'Feature','Filter method','Filter type','Filter criteria',Value1,[Value2],[Connect seg.])

Setting and activating the settings for filters with the following selection option:

Feature element = featureElement, featureElement1, featureElement2, primaryDatum, secondaryDatum...
Filter method = gauss, spline, 2 RC, off, fromFeature
Filter type = low, band, high
Filter criteria = undulation, wavelength
Connect seg. = true,false
By deactivating the filter using 'off' or by accepting the settings of the features with
'fromFeature', all further parameters can also be omitted.
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