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Changing the CAD association?


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Can you manually change the surfaces features are associated with? I only get finished models so when making in-process programs things tend to be in different spots as stock material gets removed. CAD Model Comparison will either refuse to connect a feature to the model, or connects the wrong one if a different one is closer, happens most with planes.

It's not a big issue, but it is distracting.
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If you open the strategy for the associated feature, you can sometimes click and drag the points, and they will snap onto the nearest feature of the CAD model. Or you can directly change the nominal x, y, and z values of the feature.
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Justin that's the problem.

The features are in different spots in the real world vs CAD model because I only have finished models and make programs for in process parts, meaning partially machined.

So when I change the feature to where it is in reality, and if at some point after that I run CAD model comparison Calypso tends to associate the wrong face with the feature.
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Could you copy and paste the features, then alter the copies to have Op1 nominals? A mini-plan could be used to distinguish which features are used for measuring different ops.
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That's exactly the problem.

Change the nominals and sometimes the CAD Model Comparison decides to change the association to a different plane if that other plane happens to be closer.

Or if I have a pattern of holes/chamfers I only do the work to create it once, then use rotations/translations of the base alignment to make hole, 2 hole 3, etc. Huge time saver. But sometimes Calypso will still have the subsequent holes associated with the original.

Meaning I click the feature Hole 4, and Hole 1 lights up. In my photo you see that there is 4 cones all referencing the same entity.

I want to be able to change that but there doesn't seem to be a way other than creating a new cone then copying everything over... which isn't great.

Is there no way to just manually change it in the list? What's odd is the Holes and chamfers were created at the same time, and then duplicated/rotated together, the circles moved fine - they all have different entities, but the cones didn't

CAD issue.PNG

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No I don't want to move a CAD Entity, I want to change the entity a feature is associated with.

In my photo look at the "Cone Ped. Hole"s

There 4 of them, because the part has 4 holes. I created them by doing hole 4, doing all appropriate settings, then copy paste and putting them on a rotated alignment to make the rest of the holes.

The issue is, all 4 cones are tied to entity 491 3. So no matter what hole I click, Hole 1 lights up. The program runs correctly, the strategy and actual position of the holes is correct, but for some reason Calypso won't break the association with the original CAD entity.

In this photo I can see which entities the 3 other cones are supposed to be 488,490 and 492.

CAD issue2.PNG

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Hole 1 is selected, Hole 4 is highlighted.. Hole 4 is the original hole, to create Hole 1 I copied the features onto a rotated alignment. The strategy is in the right place, the program runs, but Calypso has the wrong CAD Entity.

In the past I've fixed this by deleting the model and reloading it, but I'd rather not.

CAD issue3.PNG

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Ahh I see.
Yeah this has happened to me also.
Usually I just select each hole on the model and change to the correct alignment for each then just use the format painter to copy the strategy, etc...
Seems there should be an easy way to do this.
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The problem with that is I run into with that is bad models. It's easier to not notice a mistake if clicking from the model. For example those two holes are supposed to be 94.1538 degrees from each other, but the model has them at 94.155.

We also tend to have many repeating features that are relative to the holes, chamfers, staking pockets, profiles, etc... so I make the program, test everything with Hole 1 then copy/rotate as needed.
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I have had a terrifying problem lately. The model that I have in calypso is not exactly the same as the model our engineers made !
I am working on it now, but it seems that the cad converter is not up to date. It has shifted locations and changed geometry. You might want to check the version of your cad converter. They do go out of date and strange things can result.
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