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Surface Profile


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Hello there

I have a problem with the profile measurement on the cone.
For the cone I have 4 circle paths and 6 vertical lines.

Is this difference between the 2 measurements normal and is the result of 0.0488 mm normal even though the sigma and form values in the cone are low?

Could there be something I overlooked? 2500_278e98256e658a46f775bc6df7ce8521.png
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I would use cone with all three filled with same feature - if you want to you use FF, then make alignment from FF and then use that as refference alignment.
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45_KURE_PROFIL is fully constrained to the BA. 45_KURE PROFIL1 is correct.

I am not 100% sure but I believe you can do a geometry best fit on the cone and then use that alignment in the profile. Maybe someone else can confirm.
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Don't forget the profile number is the max deviation X 2 ! Your numbers look correct. The numbers are from your BA, so alignment, size, and form error combine. You need to align to the cone itself.
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My two cents...
If there is NOT an "Unless Otherwise Specified all GD&T refer to A|B|C" then the feature should be measured to itself.
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Surface Profile of a Cone with no DRF should be evaluated like this:

Enter Cone1 as the Feature but evaluated with Minimum Feature,
Enter the primary and secondary as Cone1 and again, evaluated as minimum feature
The tertiary is going to be an intersection of Cone1 onto itself.
Construction ->Intersection.
Enter Cone1 as feature1 and constrain the cone angle, evaluation LSQ
Enter Cone1 as feature2 and constrain the cone angle, evaluation LSQ, Click Shell
Enter the intersection as your Tertiary.
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It looks like your max is in an area where points are being filtered out, something is going on in that area.
Clean the surface with some scotchbrite and clean your Stylus.
Change your scan paths to maybe 8 touch points per circle and wipe out the vertical lines.
See if that helps or confirms your location being off +Y in the view shown.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I would use rather some 2D/3D curves and alignment from curves than making alignment from FF. You have more options and it's more predictable behaviour than from FF.

But if you want alignment from FF then jump to evaluation tab on FF feature and select bestfitting and then button for saving alignment.

For alignment from curves i would start with basic alignment with only base A as primary and one of axis, then open alignment from curves -> select parent alignment from previous step -> select all curves on hexagon and select only transform other axis then base A do and only rotate in axis defined by base A
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