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PC-DMIS Import/Export


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There is an add-on to Import PC-DMIS and native DMIS . I've tested them both as a project for Zeiss and they both work well.

You have to play with the datums a little but nothing too complicated.

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There was a "Get Together" about 2 months ago at the Brighton Michigan Zeiss training center, i was unable to go but my boss went. She said they showed her the new PCDmis converter.
However my boss is the PC-Dmis programmer here and only knows a little Calypso, so she was unable to really get really deep in the Q&A.
As a bilingual programmer myself, i have no idea how 1 program would fit into the other, because the whole attack is completely different between the 2 programs.
I mean it would be great if it works........ but if i was a betting man i would bet the under.
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To be honest, convert a Calypso program to any DIMS code would not be that hard, time consuming, yeah, but as long as you get paid right? I bet you could achieve this with only pcm..

The other way around tough, that's something else.. 🙂
F(2DKURVA1)=FEAT/GCURVE, CART, -31.2464000, -2.1031000, 680.0000000, $
 0.3960154, -0.9100354, 0.1225048
PTMEAS/CART, -31.2464, -2.1031, 680.0000, -0.3960, 0.9100, -0.1225
From this curve for example, there's nothing here that you can't access with pcm.
S(RTDIAMON_1)=SNSDEF/PROBE, FIXED, CART, 101.5000, 0.0000, -50.5000, 1.0000, $
 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000, SPHERE
Same goes with probe data, all of this is accessible.

Here's a quick example. (Yes I know this in incomplete, buts it's Friday and the beers are waiting in the fridge..)
display("S("+getProbe().myNameAsDMIS+")=SNSDEF/PROBE, FIXED, CART "+getProbe().probeVector+", "+getProbe().radius*2+" $") //edit a bit, replace @ with comma
This might be a fun project actually. Anyone who like to team up and make a Calypso to DMIS converter snippet? I don't have time to do it all by my self..
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The convertor works. The alignment routines may or nay not need to be edited after conversion. For every line of alignment code in DMIS/ PC-DMIS program there is inserted an alignment line in Calypso, see below.
They are numbered to show their association to each other, so you can leave as is or edit to wrap each line into one alignment. The same thing happens with TextElement.

The alignment thing is easy to overcome, just need to understand what is going on. The above picture is an example of a program I just converted yesterday. The CMM movement is all converted with no issues. I had two issues where a datum was not completely defined so I have to track that down. Obviously the model does not come over with any conversion so you will need to import a model if you want.

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Ive heard the converter was $3500.
Thats cheap if it does what it's supposed to do.
My boss told me we were getting a copy, a 30 day trial when i'm done with my current project, but that's probably a month away.
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  • 10 months later...

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I am working on a converter now. Using Python, I am accessing Calypso program files and taking pertinent information (features, alignments, etc...) to convert to DMIS. I am then importing into PC-DMIS. I have invested much time into this already and still have a ways to go.

I am not using PCM. I am interested in hearing some of your thoughts on converting this way. I am not much of a formal programmer so I am not taking advantage of Pythons OOP abilities, moreso brute forcing it.

Also, if you were to build a converter using PCM, how would you plan on wrapping it in a "black-box" or an interface? Is PCM accessible outside of a Calypso routine?
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For $3500 why reinvent the wheel? Other than just something to play with, I get that.

The problem with writing software like that is the maintenance. When I and Jonathon Hill wrote NewCastle Measurement CMM software, look on youtube. We got it to work on XP then they went to Vista and we had to make wholesale changes, the came Windows 7 and we had been so overworked converting to Vista it was time to put a fork in it. We wrote to native DMIS and native GEOMeasure. It was written on the Cascade platform and it had some cool features that no one was doing at the time like model transparency, pick one plane surface and all the features on that surface were defined, open the probe information and one click all the probe rotations for the part were added to the probe file, etc...

I've tested the importer and it works quite well.

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This is more to see whether I can do it. Also, I'm looking at export, not import. Zeiss doesn't go straight to PC-DMIS. They go to DMIS, which then has to be worked anyway to get it correct. If I can create a one-shot conversion it'll save plenty of time down the line.
Management is leaning toward switching over to PC-DMIS and I'd like to be prepared before they say "Manually rewrite all of these programs, have it done by yesterday if you could."
The maintenance won't be an issue for me as it'll be used to convert what we already have and that is all.

I tried looking for your software and, other than one or two references, I was unable to see anything. It sounds pretty sleek, do you have any demo videos?
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It was just the two of you writing the software? That's very impressive. What language(s) did you program it in and how long did it take you?
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My toughts? Well python (>v3) is an excellent language in my opinion. But if you dont use the benifits of object orientation you should use something else, since that would be more suitable. Its like plowing a field with a Ferrari. You just dont do that.

In PCM you can't really package your product. Its a scripting language created Inside the visualworks environment. You could Compare it to python syntax "eval". (Not entirely tru, since you can make a gui, but it will always be counter productive since you need to run the raw code to get the interface, and its supposed to work the other way around.)
So no you cant use pcm outside Calypso. Its contained within the calypso image file. Its not a language that can be compiled or have a stand alone interpreter.

And if I did this in pcm, Ive would not do any thing else then just have a code that could be copyed, pasted and evaluated, and create a file with dmis code. By blackbox youre talking about a CLI or?
And it would have been done only because its possible.
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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 years later...
Seems to be a limit to this option.

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This probably explains why the converter app simply shuts down after I select a PC-DMIS file. 🙄
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