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Stylus System Rack Configuration


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Unfortunately, we only have 5 holders on each of our 2 CMMs. My question is: Is it possible to set the rack up like this:
without it having to look like this:
Instead of like this?
The last is what we have used for many years, but recently have changed one rack to look like the 2nd picture, but my preference is to have it look like the 1st picture.
Is it possible? I have not figured out how to make it happen.
Thank you!
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Fortunately, with MS Paint, anything is possible:

However, I am not aware of a way to space out holders equally from inside Calypso. It drives my OCD crazy.
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Yeah, I don't think you can customize the layout of the rack spots like that. This menu feels really overlooked when it comes to improvements in each major release.
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When I saw the first picture, I was like "F**k, how did he do that? I want that too!" Then I read the text and ... 🤣 🤣 🤣
Put it on MyVoice. With a bit of luck your grandchildren may see it happen. 😡
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