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Characteristic class K2005


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inside the database the "Characteristic class K2005" (Merkmalsklasse K2005) exists.

Does anybody know a way to set it by CALYPSO?

Reason why:
Only e.g. "significant" charcteristics should be evaluated by statistical reports.

It's possible to set it manualy by Planner. The next run overrides the settings.

Thanks for all info 1633_dcad0359f6e888a52a19cb5d2dddf5c7.png
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Hello Klaus,

This can be done in Calypso.

Step 1: Open the GUI to define your entries for K2005 (Resources-->Design custom report-->Editor for characteristic attributes)

Step 2: Assign the new attribute to your characteristics (Resources-->Characteristics Settings Editor-->Characteristic attribute)

Hope this works for you 🙂
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