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Offline to CMM collosion


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Recently we had a slight problem while we ran a program that I made in offline mode.
When I used star-system that was definied in offline too and I wanted to run it on the CMM it almost collided, the machine "thought" that the 0_90 (+X) stylus is located in the middle of axis Z.
As I said It is definied in offline as X56.75 Y-0.003 Z-7.903 R0.75 Xvector 1, the others are 0

Could you tell me what I possibly did wrong?

Thank you 🙂
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Did you create the master probe correctly in simulation? It's length must match the physical CMM.
Which type of probe head do you have?
With a VAST/XT head my preferred workflow is as follows:
* Select and save the correct master probe in Stylus Creator (needed only once)
* Import master probe in Calypso Planner (only once)
* Construct stylus in Stylus Creator and save
* Import stylus SSC in Planner
* Make and test program
* Export stylus from stylus management window (file format PCF)
* Import stylus PCF at CMM
* Calibrate with caliper button (works only on VAST / XT heads) or manually.
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