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One more "Output to PDF" name definitions question


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Easy question:

Is there a way to send multiple pdfs of different templates to the same directory but specify different naming? For example, I want to send both a Standard Protocol and Plot Protocol template to the same directory. I want them both to have the exact same file name except for the plots report should end with the word "plots." How do I do this?

Currently, it sends both pdfs to the same folder and gives the first report in the multiple reports list a suffix of (1) and the 2nd report gets a suffix of (2). Example: Part01(1).pdf, Part02(2).pdf

. 4532_022dec19d2ff7e5a47cd84754b0832c4.png
. 4532_dcb782c2aae2850b6bc4ae2c9dc3a601.png
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That way I do this is with batch/vbs files. When the program ends, I run a batch file that looks for the "(1)" and the "(2)", then it sends them do different folders based on that.
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Thanks, Chad. By any chance, could you send me a copy of your batch file, so I can use it as a template?
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robocopy "Q:\CMM Results"  "Q:\CMM_Receiving_and_FAI_Reports"  *(1).pdf /move /s /MT32 /Z /tee
Here is the line of code from my robocopy script that is triggered by the REPORT_END.BAT. So here, the (1)s are moved to a different folder, and the (2)s stay. but you could send them where ever.
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Here are some example file naming PCM routines I use.

Editing these will help you name files how you want.
Characteristic Table Files
"C:\Users\Public\Documents\Calypso Results Data\Text files"+"\"+getRecordHead("order")+"\"+getRecordHead("planid")+"_SN_"+getRecordHead("partsn")+"_"+getRecordHead("partnbinc")+"_chr.txt"

Feture Table Files
"C:\Users\Public\Documents\Calypso Results Data\Text files"+"\"+getRecordHead("order")+"\"+getRecordHead("planid")+"_SN_"+getRecordHead("partsn")+"_"+getRecordHead("partnbinc")+"_fet.txt"

Report header table files
"C:\Users\Public\Documents\Calypso Results Data\Text files"+"\"+getRecordHead("order")+"\"+getRecordHead("planid")+"_SN_"+getRecordHead("partsn")+"_"+getRecordHead("partnbinc")+"_hdr.txt"

The above creates folders in the following structure: This is where all Table files are saved. (You can change drive and or folder names)
C:\Users\Public\Documents\Calypso Results Data\Text files\

Measuring points (.zmp files)
"C:\Users\Public\Documents\Calypso Results Data\ZMP files"+"\"+getRecordHead("order")+"\"+getRecordHead("planid")+"_SN_"+getRecordHead("partsn")+"_"+getRecordHead("partnbinc")+".zmp"

The above creates folders in the following structure: This is where all Table files are saved. (You can change drive and or folder names)
C:\Users\Public\Documents\Calypso Results Data\ZMP files\

PDF file PiWeb reporting
"C:\Users\Public\Documents\Calypso Results Data\PDF files"+"\"+getRecordHead("order")+"\"+getRecordHead("planid")+"_SN_"+getRecordHead("partsn")+"_"+getRecordHead("partnbinc")+".pdf"

The above creates folders in the following structure: This is where all Table files are saved. (You can change drive and or folder names)
C:\Users\Public\Documents\Calypso Results Data\PDF files\
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