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Report Header Parameters


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Other than a template program, is there a way to preserve a select group of report header parameters for new measurement plans?

2nd question: I know if I customize a standard protocol template and save it over the original template in the Default templates folder, that it will be used on any new program. (Similar to saving a custom presentation template in the Default folder on pre-PiWeb systems). Again, other than selecting it in a template program, is there a proper way to have the customized template become the default template?

Screenshot 2022-08-02 114327.jpg

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C:\Users\Public\Documents\Zeiss\CALYPSO\data\protocol header

use the Save button and rename the file. They are stored in the file path above.
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Ok. I saved it but it did not load automatically in new program. Is it still a manual open and load?
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I have to manual load that file every time I write a new program; However, I haven't tested it on a template. I'll do some testing and see what I can come up with.
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