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Output to PDF


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Is there a way to output to PDF to a specific folder without going the 'Name for Output' file route?

I hate doing it that way because it's such a long and tedious process.
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I agree with Norbert.
If your file naming structure doesn't change, and you always save to the same network location, you can set your All Plans location with 1 click.
Make everybody else work around your system.
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Yep that's just it, the PDFs have to go to specific job folders and are not all the same per part number. There is no getting around the Name for Output method at my job 😕
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I haven't used custom file naming that much, but I needed to tackle it for a large job that I was working on where the the PDFs needed to go to the customer's data folder, create a sub-folder for that particular part number, and then a sub-folder for the receipt number. It ended up being a lot easier than I anticipated, and I was joyed that it will create folders for you if they don't exist as well.
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As long as the data needed for file and folder names is available in protocol header variables or can be retreived in another way (date related etc.) almost any folder structure is possible.
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Well what i meant was its hard if you want 1 global line of code you could load in the "name output files for all measurement plans" tab and use for every program.
I mean sure yeah, its easy to add a customer name into the variable and then change that customer name for a different part, but the OP was asking for a 1 stop shop so he didn't have to mess with with it for each program.
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I got you on this.

Use the calypso headers to create your folders for you. This is from my name of output files for all measurement plans. I just click the checkbox for every part and each part number gets put in its own folder. Notice how calypso will create a folder based on the part number and part id(inbetween the 2nd and 3rd backslash). For your case, you could just create a 3rd field for job number or something. If the folder is already there, then it just keeps adding to that folder. this way you only have to edit the prinbtout header parameters for each program. for example:

"Q:\CMM Results\"+getRecordHead("partnbLong")+" "+getRecordHead("partid")+"\"+getRecordHead("partnbLong")+"_Rev-"+getRecordHead("partrv")+"_"+getRecordHead("customer")+"_"+getRecordHead("partid")+"._"+getRecordHead("measRun")+"_"+getRecordHead("lotid")+"-"+getRecordHead("partsn")+"_CharacterTable_"+getRecordHead("dateshort")+"_IPN-"+getRecordHead("partnbinc")+".xls"
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Thanks Chad. I knew how to do this already...that's exactly what I don't want to do because of time constraints. This is one of the most annoying things about Calypso. It's 1000 times faster for me to just copy and paste PDFs from the results folder into the job folder I need them to go to.

The reason it takes too long for me to go the Name Output method is because our job folders are on a server in about 20 different sub folders. So it's not exactly convenient finding them and then using the syntax to name them and so on and so forth...
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crap. So if i understand correctly, you don't control the location of the job folders. Someone else creates them and you just have to find them and send the data there. If that is how it is, then that is a problem.
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  • 2 years later...

Also, -Hey Shawn .. fellow Moog'er from East coast in post above ...

So Im aware of the output for this plan and all plans, and have used them in the past with PCM ,etc.

However, we're trying it now on multiple machines, basically I want each .pdf stored inside: : "\MY FOLDER\ 'Name of Inspection plan"\WO#_SN#.pdf

This seems to work well for 'this' measurement plan option, it even made the folder that was not there yet. However when I apply it to all measurement plans, it shows in the preview it will go to the folder (Which does not exist yet - I was hoping Calypso would be smart enough to create it ..)

Is it because the folder does not exist?

What is another way to do this for 1000s of inspection plans at once ? I'm thinking of using measurment_end.bat. Sounds like I'll have to check if folder is there first as well..

Thanks for the help everyone !!
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I run Two monitors, #1 has calypso , #2 has a small version of file manager with results file open in one corner In the next corner I have another small file manager with The job folders open. in the next corner I have another small file manager with an alternate file manager open . when a job completes the pdf shows up in the results folder , I drag and drop to where ever it needs to be... Works good across 5 different drives and thousands of folders.
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Thanks for the reply. I'm aware of that. I think I heard of also using scripts to copy them to where we need them as well.

Hmm, all these years I was under the impression, name for output files for ALL measurement plans would actually be ALL plans (retroactive as well). Instead it means 'activated' and activated means .. currently open ??

It would be nice if Zeiss added PCM/formula option to extra/settings/paths

Next I will explore report_end.bat however I'm not sure there is PCM code to output custom report as PDF, from what I've seen so far.

Thanks for the help everyone.
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Batch files do not require PCM to use. After a PDF of the report is generated, a batch file would then just move any specified reports to a different folder automatically.
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