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Missing probe


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We just dealt with this issue on an XXT equipped machine.

That whole message is a poor translation and explanation. "Probe" in this case is talking about the sensor head.

That message is telling you that for one reason or another the "head" isn't being detected, so Calypso returns things to defaults.... Do not click yes, unless you want to recreate all your stylus systems in calypso, if you already hit yes I hope you have exported the .pcf files.

Check the simple things, like if its an XXT make sure the head isn't loose, but otherwise you're probably into a service call.
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Go to Extras\Settings\CMM\Probe check the drop down window at the top and see what it is set to. You may be able to just set it back to what it needs, mine is set at RDS with XXT and XDT checked.
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So I have this exact issue, but deleted probe files already. I did a backup thru the maintenance tab before the last service pack. I did a restore to that , but no probe files ? I guess they are only saved by doing a separate PCF file ??
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Yeah I had this happen once and it wasn't the XXT itself being loose, but the cable that it connects to being loose.
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