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Models and patterns


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The other day I programmed a relatively complex mold insert that looked like a three lobed ,evenly spaced group of features. So, i merrily programmed a bunch of space point on one of the lobes, grouped and then patterned the group. The part ran pretty good but they were having trouble dialing in the electrodes. I went out to see, and they showed me a PRINT !

Right there I saw it ! Two of the lobes were at 120 degrees separate but one was at 121.5 degrees ! WHO DOES THAT ????

I started over and reprogrammed the whole part, ( using all single space points) but what a pain in the arse ! The part ran pretty good, but had to do a lot of apologizing !

Remember ! The model is stupid, and so are you . It will do whatever you ask it to even if it's wrong.
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Sometimes the reason symmetry is intentionally broken is to add distinction or prevent installation error. It can be a very useful design habit.
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It was necessary, But I would have liked to see a warning of some sorts... But then again, I didn't see the print till after I programmed 😉
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