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Using 2D Curve with broken segment scans.


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I'm trying to use a two cylinders, ID and OD.
At the top is a full circle scan (380°)
At depth I have to rotate B axis ±5 degrees and scan 150 degree segments in X+ and then X- of the ID, I repeated this for the OD (It seemed logical).
Point density is fixed for all scans to maintain opposing point data.
I have to rotate B axis due to Stylus limitations (shanking).
The result is not what I expected.
I am using "Curve Distance" to calculate Wall Thickness.

Can I achieve what I want, or is there another way?

Curve my other eye.JPGCurve my eye.JPG

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My work around, or solution.
Create an ID and OD circle at the top with the same parameters as the original cylinder.
Create an ID and OD Circle at the bottom and add scans where the broken segments were to make it closed.
I then used two Curve Distance characteristics and added an Average characteristic to generate the wall thickness value.

This works right now.
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i always used two circles and this funcion what can do calculations and i used "larger radius" - "smaler radius"
have to try this curves method
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You did a mistake - for this you have to use 3D curve - not 2D - but i wouldn't combine different heights. Measuring different heights separately is better.
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