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User Information Link


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When the operators select "Run" we like to include instructions under the "User Information" button found on the Start Measurement window. The only way that I know to link those instructions to the "User Information" button is by going to Plan>User-definable measurement run info for CNC start>Select, and then I can browse to the document I want to link. I really want it linked to a file that is saved in the same directory as all of the other program files. The problem is that we save our programs in a secure location and then they are Robocopied to the C drive of the particular machine it is going to be ran, so I can't browse to the file that I want to link because it has a different directory than what it ultimately ends up with when it is going to be ran at a machine. My work around right now is to do a bunch of unnecessary saving just to be able to browse to a directory on a C drive to get the directory correct. Does anyone know of a way that I can just type in the directory (rather than browse) of where I want the "User Information" button to be linked? I'm currently using Calypso 6.6.
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With PCM you can use the following to set the value. You could put this in a pcm file to run on load (ie. inspection_post_load_pcm.txt)


Alternatively you could find some other method to manipulate the value for graphicUserInfo directly in the inspset file.
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Depending on how much info you need to convey......
Try this.
Open Paint and use text to convey your message on a plain white background.
Save as a bitmap into the program folder named "icon.bmp".
now when you launch your program the bitmap will automatically show in the upper left corner of the start measurement pop up.

I just don't know if itll work with your odd situation.


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  • 2 years later...
If you're just wanting to include text information and not an actual picture, you can also use Resources/Measurement Plan Comment. You type in whatever information you want to convey, and when they hit run it shows up in the Comment box at the top right of the window.

run.jpgMeasure comment.jpg

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I just put up a sign at the CMM.
Excel Setup Workbook is in Each CMM program folder.
Use a label maker and stick right to the PC monitor. 😎
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At our company we have a folder called "User Info" and its located in the same place as all our programs. This way you can access it from any CMM
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