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How to report Fitting plane "Max. deviation"


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How can report in a table "Max. deviation" parameter of Fitting Plane ?

I have access to this parameter via script, but i can't find method to report it on the table. Sigma, Residual and Selected Points are listed in Quality menu.


It looks "Maximum deviation label" created on surface comparison is not the same property.



Adam B.

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Hello Adam,

as you have mentioned, there seems to be no way to choose "Max. deviation" directly from the menu in the same way as the other adjustment results that you have added to your table already. However, you can display the maximum deviation with a "user defined check." Such a check is available from the menu via "Inspection->Check Dimensions->Other->User Defined...". This will open a dialog and you can enter "actual.adjustment_result.absolute_maximum" as an expression to define the value you want. The following Python code should do the same thing.

gom.script.inspection.inspect_dimension (
	type={'abbreviation': 'Max. Deviation',
		  'actual_expression': 'actual.adjustment_result.absolute_maximum',
		  'base_type': 'construct_user_defined',
		  'inputs': [],
		  'nominal_expression': '0.0',
		  'type_name': 'Max. Deviation',
		  'unit': 'LENGTH'})

I hope that helps.


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