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Scanning sharp corners


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Simple answer would be to slow the whole curve strategy down. You could break the curve down into segments and just slow the corners down in that area of the curve.
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I know it's a pain, but you can make sections in curve ( defined by point range ) and edit scanning speed there.
Then select all sections and with right mouse click select it as one run - this will ensure probe won't stop scan depart and start over - it's scanning continuously.
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Are you saying we can set speeds for specific sections of a single scan, or to break up the scan into segments?
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When you create a new curve, then you have only one segment. Then make more segments and edit theirs start and stop point ( speed ... )
Then just select them all and on context menu is grouping. Without it it would act like many curves - with it it acts like one curve.

But if you group it, then all measured points are saved in first segment - others are empty ( for recalling points ).
Wanna some pictures?
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  • 2 months later...
Looks like you're doing a polyline on a plane. In the polyline strategy window, reduce the "Edge Deviation" value at the bottom. Or, if you don't want the Edge Deviation to affect the rest of the path, incorporate additional points at the corner and create a small arc to make the turn.

Many years ago, Calypso incorporated small radii in the sharp corners of polylines but then it went away. Maybe having a selectable option to do this might be a popular enhancment.

Screenshot 2022-07-14 103931.jpg

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It was a software selected polyline, if we create it manually it is possible to create a circle at corner..but in auto selection is possible...
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