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  1. Past hour
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    Run Pallet Alignment with every run

    The sequence option would be good if the saved sequence was the default sequence when opening the autorun. In other words, I will ALWAYS want to run this in this manner. For now, selecting each icon in the desired order seems to be the best option. Still digging into why the pallet does not provide the desired repeatable location. I suspect they are not using the (cnc) alignment on the pallet.
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    Paths - Excel report

    Sorry, I must have been reading too quickly. Yes it is possible to automatically move file types in a folder to a different location post run. You will need to teach yourself how to script in an appropriate language to accomplish this task. Might be helpful to use task scheduler in conjunction with your script too. Hey that's me! 🤣
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    Recall Feature Points from Curve

    I once askes a Zeiss applications engineer if I should tick the "Re-calculate Nominal Geometry" box or leave it un-checked. He didn't know. I don't know either?
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    Recall Feature Points from Curve

    Shawn, I use this option often depending on the application. It's an important distinction between using a recalled curve feature primarily as a point container for actuals or recalling the curve-filtered points per the curve's nominals. In theory, this can make the strategy more feasible per system resources because it reduces the quantity of recalled points. It depends on the application. Another advantage is that it imports a feature whose task of interpolation is already accomplished. An example would be for evaluating profile of a freeform surface made up of multiple curves. I can explain more specific use cases if helpful, but that's the overview. Both options are important. It's definitely not the case that one option is always correct and the other is "bad." PS, the Zeiss moderators will probably relegate this thread to the purgatory known as the curve subtopic, so hopefully you're able to get your answer before that occurs.
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    Auswertung Max und Min zweier Kreise für Wandstärke

    Hallo Mirco, wird in ZEISS Inspect oder Calypso ausgewertet? (Bei Inspect könnte man das über min/max-Fähnchen auf der Wandstärke realisieren) Nanno
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    Can't connect to vscode

    Hello, this is being updated and will be possible again with INSPECT 2025 Service Pack 1 - release is not too far away. The documentation will be available at the same direction but for 2025: https://zeissiqs.github.io/zeiss-inspect-addon-api/2025/howtos/using_vscode_editor/using_vscode_editor.html Nanno
  8. Today
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    Paths - Excel report

    @ZEISS Admin When will be removed location restriction from Academy? It's pointless to edit profile just to see content. @nicolas lombardot Hint: just set your location on profile to USA
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    Recall Feature Points from Curve

    Normally on older versions you are recalling points from curve even with masked ones - this option will allow you to pass measured points after filters - which can or cannot be helpfull depending on usage.
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    Run Pallet Alignment with every run

    In Autorun: CTRL-click icons in desired order Click "Sequence" button in lower right corner (Optional: reorder program list with arrows on the right) If more than one sequence needed: Save sequence with disk button To run sequence: Click Sequence button Click load button Load desired sequence Click OK Click Run button. Drawbacks: Doesn't prevent users from ignoring sequence and CTRL-clicking icons in wrong order anyway Doesn't work across layers A Calypso MEH...😒: If you take away the "Define sequence" privilege, the user can't even open the sequence dialog to choose an existing one to run. Well done Zeiss. 🙄
  12. Hello Mike, thank you for your greate example! I'm sure that will help someone. 🙂 I'm struggeling with the formating of a user-defined dialog as well. I want all the content to be bigger, so it is more readable. In continously text formating the text is easy, as your example shows. But is there any option to format the text of other widget types? Checkbox-widgets as well as buttons and selection lists dont process HTML code.. Maybe you or someone else can help me with that? It would be nice to find a solution for that. With best regards, Marek
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    Recall Feature Points from Curve

    Not 100% sure but maybe creating a best-fit alignment from the curve might correct that.
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    Recall Feature Points from Curve

    You are recalling curve points into a circle? If this is the case, then be advised that if the circle varies in size part to part, then the location of the recalled points can change. This will affect the repeatability of the constructed circle.
  15. Hallo zusammen, ich benötige eure Hilfe. Ich möchte den max. Abstand und den minimalen Abstand der Wandstärke ermitteln. Hierfür habe ich den Ø100 innen und den Ø102 außen vermessen. Die Wandstärke ist Soll 1mm Wie kann ich das auswerten, dass am Protokoll der Max und Min Abstand der Wandstärke ersichtlich ist?
  16. ---

    Text input

    I think I have tried both Jeffs and Micheals methods in the past from one of my posts. Then the operators just started putting in dashes and or dots. 😑
  17. Planner displays it correctly, but SSC doesn't. Yes, just like that, but in planner would be nice.
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    Recall Feature Points from Curve

    Anyone ever use Recall Feature Points - Curve result points? I stumbled across this yesterday and used it to recall a small rad from a torus and it seemed to be pretty accurate, I just don't know if it's advisable to use or not.
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    Paths - Excel report

    Hi Kyle, it's told me page not found when I click on your linck, is it normal ? ( I'm from France and don't have Zeiss contract of maintenance)
  20. Bonjour, J'ai une question concernant les droits d'utilisations. Sur ma machine, j'ai crée un utilisateur "Opérateur". Cet session "Operateur" est utilisé sur Autorun avec le droit "d'exécuter des plans de contrôle". Cependant, pour cet utilisateur "Operateur" j'aimerais restreindre le droit "d'exécuter des plans de contrôle" en mode calypso programmation. Mais lorsque je fais ce reglage, cela me coupe les droits d'executer les plans de controle sur Autorun ET Calypso programmation, Pouvez vous m'aider? Nicolas Baptista Alves
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    Can't connect to vscode

    I have now also tested this with INSPECT 2025 - and also get no connection from VSC to INSPECT! With the INSPECT 2023 version, on the other hand, this works perfectly. I set the port to the same value 40000 in both versions.
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    Can't connect to vscode

    Yes, without it there wouldn't be a "Host: disconnected" Button. I have also tried multiple versions of this addon.
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    Can't connect to vscode

    Do you have the "ZEISS INSPECT Add-on Development" installed in VSC?
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    Run Pallet Alignment with every run

    Please tell me how - i think that Tom is using two programs - first select fixture program, then with shift key ( or control ) selects part program. I don't think this is possible to automatize. Well perhaps PCM can, but that's unknown for me.
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    Run Pallet Alignment with every run

    Define a sequence?
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    Text input

    Thanks Jeffrey 🙂
  27. Yesterday
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    Run Pallet Alignment with every run

    Hi Tom, is it really necessary? Most of fixtures are mounted by screws, so they don't move. So you can first run only fixture whenever you are mounting fixture for the first time, and then you just run parts. If i understand your post you are running always fixture and parts every time?
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