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  3. I must also say: So many times, I have executed a measurement series on our ScanBox, then found that the "software robot" is scanning because the sensor is not initialized. Then, I must undo or re-Apply Current Parameters --> Exposure to my black-icon measurement positions. If the sensor (light/lasers) are initialized, they should always be indicate as initialized (blue, as you suggested). This area should indicate the absolute status, even while taking a measurements. The gray/white changes while taking a measurement creates uncertainty. Hope this helps!
  4. Yesterday
  5. Thank you James for the quick reply. I did a quick search for "dark mode" for a change of display colors. Yes, not having lasers on our two CORE sensors was a big loss for our high-output manual scanning operations. It made for fast scanning on our old ATOS 2M and 4M scanners. Risky... I sometimes like to have the ATOS VMR robot on my screen go through the verified program sequence before running a new or pickup template. It's THEN that I need to be certain the sensor is not initialized. Yes, a high-contrast blue button would be a clear indicator. So eine gute Empfehlung. Vielleicht mit Ihrer Hilfe, es kann passieren! Thank you for all you do! -TadR
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    GD&T Position to a Centerline (wince 😬) Datum

    I would think it can only control the single perpendicular axis. There's nowhere along the line that acts as a point to define the horizontal, so you can't define a tolerance zone along that axis in reference to anything.
  7. Hello. Suppose you were required to measure the position characteristic on this print. The print uses the centerline as a Datum, which is a no-no. However, it "appears" the intention is that a line constructed from the center of the two internal holes is Datum A. Also: 1. There is no diameter symbol in the feature control frame, so no cylindrical tolerance zone is overtly specified. 2. The print does not contain basic dimensions Question: Does this position characteristic only control deviation in one axis, which is perpendicular to the Datum A line, or does it control deviation in two axis (presumably in rectangular tolerance zone due to no diameter symbol)? Thoughts?? .
  8. Hello Stanely, I believe you see something like this in the standard tooth thickness as well. Since the tooth thickness and the gap are not independent of each other (they need to add up to be the pitch), you can only effect the tolerance on one of them. I would probably need to do some additional research to check, but I would bet that's what's happening. Notice how the upper tolerance (in green) on the gap is the -1 times the lower tolerance of the thickness (again the green one)? I hope that proves helpful.
  9. Hello, I am working on a program sent from our customer who wants us to use their program to verify dimensions as their are discrepancies in our results. They have a different fixture set up then ours, so we have difference of alignment. I have a query about how can I rotate the alignment of the tube to match to our alignment, so it can also match all the existing features as well. Since, I am using special feature from base alignment (used rotation by angle option), all the hole features are keeping their original positions. Is there any way, I can rotate the orientation while also moving the features along with it.
  10. I fully endorse everything Jeff stated. The forum is already an amazing tool and knowledge base but with his suggestions it could become a community as well. Although we can't like each other's posts (yet) I will give you this crisp high five in a .gif format.
  11. The ATOS metrology robot takes images at planned measurement path and collects them into the actual measurement series. Can we include these images into a report and or export the the photogrammetry pictures for our review? I want to be able to collect the .jpg files from the actual inspection data.
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    angle points

    Create a space point?
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    Barcode generation?

    I wonder if I'm running into an issue with older versions? This is in Calypso 7.2, PiWeb Designer 7.8.17 Or am I misunderstanding where to look?
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    Barcode generation?

    Yes - you can add a Barcode to the report: Toolbox - General - Barcode. From there, you would set the Barcode Properties to: Type - QR code or Data matrix code Payload - Text Text - This is where you can input header variables that you'd like imbedded. Here is an example that will show the Part name; CMM Type; Operator - they are separated by an enter ${Qdb.Part(1002)} ${ToString(Qdb.Measurement(12, -1, 4073))} ${Qdb.Measurement(8, -1)}
  15. Hello, I'm trying to export some geometries with a blank space in the name, but when I export them in a .dmo format the software automatically changes the space to an underscore symbol. Is there any way to keep the space in the name?
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    Video quality

    This is very interesting, I am going to have to look into this.
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    Barcode generation?

    Is there a way to have a Barcode or 2D Matrix on the report that contains information from your other header variables? This would be very useful for our process, we could make Operators scan their printed reports at other measurement stations and tie all the data together pretty nicely. I was hoping for a really simple barcode font and a text box but that was wishful thinking.
  18. Dear, For surfaces, the selection used for the surface on the actual element can be visualized via "Restore Point Selection". Is there a way to access the selection parameters of this selection in a skript? So that this selection can be recreated automatically via a skript on another part without exporting and importing the whole surface. Thanks for your help!
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    Auto Run Teilenummer inkremental Fehlermeldung

    Soweit ich weiß, läuft die Teilenr. inkremental im Hintergrund immer mit, egal ob sie für Ein- oder Ausgabe markiert ist. Das ist eine von den Systemvariablen, die man nie los wird, weil sie eben auch zur eindeutigen Benennung von gespeicherten Dateien dient. Interessanter ist die Frage, warum Calypso meint, da sei ein unzulässiges Zeichen drin.
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    VCMM Availability

    Thanks for your response. I'm familiar with Eumetron. We have a KOBA gauge that we originally purchased with an accredited traceable calibration certificate that was provided by Eumetron. The certificate says the measurement of the KOBA gauge was performed on a Prismo, which I find interesting, because Zeiss' specs for the prismo aren't anywhere near as tight as the uncertainty Eumetron put on the certificate. Someone at Zeiss told me that it is a decked out Prismo that Eumetron runs with all the shrouds off to prevent trapping heat in the shrouds. Could you please clarify: are you saying that Eumetron is the only company that uses VCMM or that VCMM has to be set up by Eumetron? I was once told by our aftermarket sales rep at Zeiss that VCMM is not available to us. I guess it would make sense that to simulate inaccuracies in the CMM, one would need a lot of information that would require thermal sensors to be installed throughout the CMM, and there would be a lot of setup involved.
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    Beta GD&T Engine

    Wow, yeah, interesting stuff, seems GDT Beta Engine has a long way to go in my opinion. I understand GDT is not easy to begin with and to math it all out is more of a challenge, but yeah I think they should be a bit more advanced than where they are, other softwares are I believe. It's coming along, we just have to have patience I suppose. MMR = Max Mat'l Requirement ? I believe that is ISO 1101 - never heard it in ASME Y14.5 https://www.engineersedge.com/geometric_boundaries/maximum-material-requirement-mmr.htm#:~:text=Maximum Material Requirement MMR - Maximum,size and maximum shaft size.
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    Beta GD&T Engine

    @Chris Rotolo you see this man?
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    Beta GD&T Engine

    Nice catch Tom, I've been using the beta since it came out now and did NOT notice that. Oopsies
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    GOM Correlate unknown crash

    I have the same issue. Actually I have installed 6.2.2479.0 and I have Win11.
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    VCMM Availability

    Yes, it was developed in cooperation with PTB. It is important to know that - at least in Germany - the complete installation of vcmm is carried out by a company called "Eumetron". The only thing Zeiss has done, was a necessary calibration of the cmm with DAkks accuracy. My notion is that the whole vcmm issue is put in second place and only a handful of people at Zeiss are engaged with it. Probably since only a few customers order it. Maybe you might contact Eumetron and ask if they can help you or give further information. Here is the link to their hompage: https://www.eumetron.de/en-gb/home
  26. Dear Claus, Unfortunately, the quality and depth of videos on the ZEISS YouTube channel are far from the above-mentioned GOM Metrology webinars. They used to host 20-40 minutes webinars with a detailed description of problems and their solutions. BR Wojciech
  27. Hello, the videos can be found on the IQS YouTube channel. ZEISS Industrial Quality Solutions - YouTube
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