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Generating a probelist for current inspection


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We have a lot of big inspections that use a multitude of stylus systems (some over 25 unique systems). To make the operator's life easier, I want to generate a list of stylus systems so they can prepare the systems in the proberack before the product is placed. However, I can not seem to find a clear and concise way to generate such a list.

I have found the following topics:
  • viewtopic.php?t=7251 - which generates a list of ALL systems in the CMM.
  • viewtopic.php?p=9069#p9069 - I have successfully adapted this to work in Powershell instead of Excel, however then I'd have to use PCM to run a Powershell script, which is not ideal.
Ideally, I would like a combination of above solutions so I could use PCM to generate the specified list. The PCM quick reference doesn't mention the "baseSystem().machine" field, so I am thinking there is some relevant documentation missing.

Does anyone have any idea on how to generate a list of used stylus systems within an inspection?

Kind regards,
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here you get a list of your stylus systems.

Note: i think you have to save the plan before it works correct.
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