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Clearance Planes Change


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Hello everyone,
I was wondering I have a program that runs great with no issues. I install another part and magically my clearance planes change without knowing and I end up crashing a probe. This has happened in the pass but recently just changing and saving the changes only seems to work on one part and the next one will crash. I haven't really had this issue before to this extent. What am I missing.
Thank you,
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Quick guess with not much thought but, my guess is that you're using a 2 or 3D line in the planar alignment and when the points or features that make up the lines are measured backwards (left to right instead of right to left ect) while running the manual alignment, it flips the alignment. 164_62a5fbf4477bd3d2ab10c1747eca13d5.jpg
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Thanks Owen. I am using a circle for planar rotation. I will try the block edges.
The CMM will run one part and then all the CP will change. I will got in the redefine clearance planes change them but they don't seem to stay.
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Go to File - Delete Base Alignment - Select all Alignments for that Measurement Plan.

Then re-create them, and see if the problem persists.
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I'll place my wisdom here 🤣 Once i had a part ( towing hook ) which was lying on side - so I took cylinder in +Y as main and sphere as secondary and I was trying to tell it's Z0 - this was crazy, many times flipped on it's own.
Then i made perpendicular feature from sphere to cylinder as secondary - then it was fine.

Perhaps you have same thing with circle ( or maybe not )
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As I already said in another thread ("alignment issues") we should see screenshots of the alignment and the alignment features. Otherwise this is mere guesswork.
Do you align each part manually or is it a fixture?
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My experience is, short cylinders and cones used as spatial will cause problem with flipping doing manual base alignment. Many times I'm able to solve this with simple start alignment.

edit: Also, if you are dealing with such short features (short as in lenght to diameter ratio), don't forget to loop base alignment with -> https://www.google.com/search?q=%22baseSystem*valueA%22+site%3Aforums.zeiss.com%2Fmesstechnik%2Fcommunity&ei=XoW9YpmcK9CUkgWI8rX4DQ&ved=0ahUKEwiZw8HihdX4AhVQiqQKHQh5Dd8Q4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=%22baseSystem*valueA%22+site%3Aforums.zeiss.com%2Fmesstechnik%2Fcommunity&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EANKBAhBGAFKBAhGGABQwQtYzQxg1A1oAXAAeACAAVyIAbMBkgEBMpgBAKABAcABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz
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This is why I tell everyone I teach, Base Alignments should be as simple as possible.
Base Alignment features are never used for any measurements of characteristics.
None of the features for a Base Alignment has to be a Datum of any kind.
I use what ever feature there is that is easy to obtain and easy to configure: 3-2-1.
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I agree.

When I fist started programming I fell into the Datums=BA falacy. Now I make the BA quick and repeatable.

I have found Calypso intermitently fails an alignment when it has anything other than simple features like planes, circles, and points. Subsequent evaluations can fail, which is a decent test. Calculations, recalled points, etc can confuse Calypso. Three tooling balls in a standard alignment is really stable.
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