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Table OK/NOK sign for dimensions in trend project


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Dear GOM Team,

I would like to make an extra column in the "Statistic RPS" table format which shows if a dimension (row) fails on any of the stages. So for ex. if a dimension fails on any stages it shows 'nOK' other way it shows 'OK'.

Besides I would like to make a "functional label" on the first page (title) which shows if any of the dimensions from the elements fails. Also OK/NOK sign or any kind of sign would be good.

Do you have any nice solution for these?


Best regards,

Máté Tömöri

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Máté,

for the OK/nOK column you could insert this expression:

#@ OK nOK Check
niO = "nOK"
iO = "OK"
if result_worst_case < result_dimension.lower_tolerance_limit or result_worst_case > result_worst_case.upper_tolerance_limit:
	a =format (niO, "", show_unit=false, color=color ("#ff0000ff"))
	a = format (iO, "", show_unit=false, color=color ("#13d373ff"))
return a

It checks if the worst case is out of your tolerances. For the tolerance status you could use the Keywords project_statistics.all.number_of_within_tolerance and project_statistics.all.number_of_toleranced_attributes in a label on the title page. They are also available for individual element types. The label needs the information from a 3D view, so there has to be a placeholder for this on the title page with all checks visible somewhere. The size doesn't matter though, it could be tiny or behind some element.

#@ Not yet named
#@ OK nOK Check
niO = "nOK"
iO = "OK"
if project_statistics.all.number_of_within_tolerance < project_statistics.all.number_of_toleranced_attributes:
	a =format (niO, "", show_unit=false, color=color ("#ff0000ff"))
	a = format (iO, "", show_unit=false, color=color ("#13d373ff"))
return a





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Hello Nanno,


Thanks, we are getting closer but not work properly yet.

The table and the title page also just shows the actual stage. Worst_case depend on the actual stage too unfortunately.

My idea is to insert somehow Min/Max (from Statistic Overview) to your expression but some problems occured what I could not handle.


Best regards,





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For a similar functionality I count the number of result_dimension.out_of_tolerance. The number of stages (parts) that are out of tolerance

count (result_dimension.out_of_tolerance>0, index='stages')==INVALID?
    format ((count (result_dimension.out_of_tolerance<0, index='stages')
             +count (result_dimension.out_of_tolerance>0, index='stages')), "1.0", show_unit=false)

(of topic:
I didn't know the python if then else syntax could be used in a expression)

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I solved the first problem include min/max into the function.

I still could not solve the second question which is how to show on one label that all the dimensions are good or not.



for general dimensions:

#@ OK nOK Check

niO = "nOK"
iO = "OK"

if result_dimension.is_tolerance_used:
    if (max (result_dimension.deviation)) > result_dimension.upper_tolerance_limit or (min (result_dimension.deviation)) < result_dimension.lower_tolerance_limit:
        a =format (niO, "", show_unit=false, color=color ("#ff0000ff"))
        a = format (iO, "", show_unit=false, color=color ("#13d373ff"))

    a = ''

return a


for Gdnt:

#@ OK nOK Check

niO = "nOK"
iO = "OK"

if result_gdat_size.is_tolerance_used:

    if (max (result_gdat_size.deviation)) > result_gdat_size.upper_tolerance_limit:
        a =format (niO, "", show_unit=false, color=color ("#ff0000ff"))
        a = format (iO, "", show_unit=false, color=color ("#13d373ff"))

    a = ''

return a

Ok_nOk sablon.package

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