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probing angles


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I have a part with 24 holes side ways to the quill, that are also at a 30 angle in a circl around a diameter. I can use a patter to neatly make thoe holes populate. but Not sure what options I have with probe angles, I am also using a CAA probe system on this . Looking for any help on making this a bit easier instead of doing them individually. any help is appreciated.
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Dan, With a normally configured stylus system, ie individually qualified styli, you'd be able to select the stylus labeled "Auto2 - Shaft along normal" and as long as you had all of the 30 degree probes qualified, it would automatically select the appropriate stylus. However, this does not work with an RDS-CAA configured stylus system. It allows you to select the "stylus along normal" but the system doesn't recognize the possible A/B opportunities. At least, I'm not aware if there is a setting or switch that allows it to work.
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  • 2 years later...
I have a ring with 120 holes eq sp. I can use a patter to neatly make those holes populate. can some please help me how to assign probe angles to every feature, I am CAA probe system on this . Looking for any help on making this a bit easier instead of doing them individually. any help is appreciated.
Thank you in advance for the help in this matter
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So just to give you heads up that the CCA work great until you need very accurate results.
I have a way to do it with PCM I will look at some options with out PCM tomorrow

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I understand this is the general consensus regarding CAA stylus systems but no one has ever quantified how much less accurate it is.

One might assume that measuring a diameter or roundness is probably not affected by CAA. I can see where location or orientation characteristics could be affected, but how much is the unknown.

I am a fan of testing results between both types of stylus system configurations and deciding if variations are within an acceptable limit, i.e. if tolerance is +/-.001” and I get .0002” variation, I’m not worrying about it.

What criteria do you use to decide CAA or non-CAA?
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As you said test to figure out your accuracy. CAA will not affect the results of a single position of your probe to its self in "most cases" there are time when it will. That being said you don't know and unknowns are a problem unless you test every CAA position to the full calibration of that position you just don't know. Let me put it this another way some RDS heads will repeat with in .000050 every time have seen some as bad as .0006 between head movement. This has a lot more to do with how well a machine is being taken care of. For me I never use CAA to measure parts I don't like unknowns so I avoid it like the plague. I know some people use it to setup there program then cal what probes they need. I program everything off line so I just set the positions all by simulation mode no need for CAA.

You can do what ever you want but just know that you have an unknown result.
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  • 1 year later...
I will dig up the thread for another question.

I have a rotational pattern and set up auto2 as the selected stylus and it actually choose the correct angled styli on the XTR probehead. The problem is that the stylus system is a star with 5 probes, and it randomly chooses the the styli size.

The angles and approach are correct, its just sometimes it uses a 2mm styli, sometimes 0.5mm styli.
Is there a way to force automatic stylus search to use only a specific styli in different positions?

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You could use a loop with a condition. Let's say, on loop 1 use stylus "A", on loop 2 use "B" and so on. Worked for me in the past.
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If you do call Zeiss, ask for Nick Janak, and ask him about the "keep position" option. In advanced training, he taught us a strategy that would address the task that you presented.

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