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PCM assistance needed


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I am trying to structure a file naming method utilizing the last 5 characters in a string.
If the 5 character from the right is "0" (Zero) then "Path" is something.
Else the Path is "some other path".

I understand basic If, Else, Then structure, I'm just not up to speed on Calypso formatting.

basic string:
C:\My Folder\123456_A_20_A1_0.pdf
Any help is appreciated

I think I can test for "inspectionToleranceState() = 0" instead of reading a string.
If inspectionToleranceState() = 0 then "Use this Path" Else "Use this other Path"
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Something like this?

string = "my string is wider than yours"

//Find the 5th character from the right. (might be the 4th or 6th as well. Play around with the bold number until you find the correct character.)

char_5 = subStr(string,len(string)-5,len(string)-5)

if char_5 == "0"
path = "C:\Something\"
path = "C:\Something Else\"
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Thank you!

I'm thinking more on this simpler method (?).
How do I format this to work with PCM for a path to create a PDF file?
Calypso menu:
......Name for output files
.........for this Measurement Plan
............PDF file PiWeb reporting

if inspectionToleranceState() == "0"
path = ""S:\CMM - Inspection Results & Zeiss Table Files_Vault\CMM-Inspection-PDF Files Accept\"+getRecordHead("order")+"\"+getRecordHead  ("mfgdev")+"\"+getRecordHead("u_DBSWITCH")+"_"+getRecordHead("partnbinc")+"_PiWeb.pdf""
path = ""S:\CMM - Inspection Results & Zeiss Table Files_Vault\CMM-Inspection-PDF Files Reject\"+getRecordHead("order")+"\"+getRecordHead  ("mfgdev")+"\"+getRecordHead("u_DBSWITCH")+"_"+getRecordHead("partnbinc")+"_PiWeb.pdf""
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Define the path variable in the presettings of the measurement plan
path = ""
The following is in the postsettings
its = inspectionToleranceState()
if its == "outOfTolerance"
	path = "C:\CMM - Inspection Results & Zeiss Table Files_Vault\CMM-Inspection-PDF Files Reject\"
	path = "C:\CMM - Inspection Results & Zeiss Table Files_Vault\CMM-Inspection-PDF Files Accept\"
The following is the path for the "Name definitions for output files for this Measurement Plan"
path + getRecordHead("order")+"\"+getRecordHead  ("mfgdev")+"\"+getRecordHead("u_DBSWITCH")+"_"+getRecordHead("partnbinc")+"_PiWeb.pdf"
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if inspectionToleranceState() == "0"

I don't use PCM much, so does the "0" have to be defined somewhere? Where exactly do I insert the code?

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