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getRackAssignment doesn't work


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Hello everybody,

I'm trying to get the rack assignment but it seems that it does not work.
I have defined two rack assignments and I want to check with PCM which one is active.
the function getRackAssignment() returns unfortunately no value:


Can someone tell me if I am making a mistake?
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Hallo Norbert,

yes it is an official PCM command, existing for a long time.
Here an extract from the Calypso 2018 PCM operating instructions.
(You can read it at C:\Program Files (x86)\Zeiss\CALYPSO 6.6\userinfo\manuals )


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You have to select a Rack Assignment for the Measurement plan in order for this command to display anything.
Resources-->Measurement Plan-->Rack Assignment
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Thank you Walter! It´s exactly what I was looking for 😃

@ Shabu: with this function you can access the rack assignment if you have defined several.
This allows you to adapt your measurement strategy to the available probes.
I plan to use it to select which miniplans can be run or not
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i am not sure if i understood this correct, but if you want to know wich probes are actually in the rack you can use:
Here's an example of a manual probe change position i found some time ago in this forum:
NextProbe = getNextStylusSystemName()
ProbeRack = getRackPorts().asList
ProbeRackLen = ProbeRack.size
ProbeRackAct = ""
ProbeInRack = 0

for i = 1 to ProbeRackLen
ProbeRackAct = ProbeRack.removeFirst
if ProbeRackAct == NextProbe then
ProbeInRack = 1
next i

if ProbeInRack == 0 then
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Why doesn't the manual tell us so? 🙄
I mean the active (opened) assignment is the one that was last selected in the magazine dialog OR by a running program. How should we know there's a difference between both? Zeiss, please clarify the manual/help!
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