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Partly evaluation of a plane.


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I’ve measured a small plane with 48 single points and evaluate the flatness with minimum feature.

Our client wants to know a partly flatness afterwards (only in the red ellipse, see picture).
Is there a possibility in Calypso to analyze only a subpart of the measured points (in this case 30 points instead of 48) ?

The product is not available anymore so it’s not possible to remeasure again.
I can perform this evaluation for example in Matlab (by using the export point file), but I prefer to do this in Calypso 7.2

Many thanks 🙂 !

Flatness plot.jpg

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If you saved the measured points for the program this should be easy.

Copy the feature. Set Recall the feature points. Uncheck the "Re-calculate" button at the bottom. Select the original feature. Right click to "Add Range Limits", select the "New Point Range", enter the first and last points. They may be the first or last 30, so 1 to 30 or 19 to 48.
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Yes and no. Recall Feature Points, by default, will recall ALL of the points. This method allows you to select and evaluate only a certain area which is what OP was looking for.
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