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Finding software related information in the new MyGOM – What’s the big idea?


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I have due to various reasons found myself back in my old job as measurement technician for GOM at my company. After almost two years away I realize many things have changed, including GOM’s website and the new MyGOM platform.

I have tried to get acquainted with the MyGOM for about a month now, but there are several things I still find very confusing.

·         There is a section of the MyGOM start page called ‘Operating Manuals’. There still appears to be manuals in pdf-format available for hardware and hardware related topics but not for any software related topics?

·         There is a folder structure containing a folder named ‘Software’. Under this folder there seems to be a series of exe-files, most for software updates?

·         The same ‘Software’ folder seems to be accessed when selecting the ‘Software’ section from the MyGOM start page?

When I first contacted GOM about my enquiries in January via email I received no direct answers about the software manuals but was referred to the ‘Training Center’ section in the MyGOM start page, which I also requested and got access to.

I have tried to get acquainted with this new ‘Training Center’ too and I can understand and appreciate the advantages with e-learning, Live Sessions and a registered user profile.
However, I find it difficult to find useful information about a certain topic or functionality when using the ‘Training Center’.

·         Are the pdf-format software manuals for e.g. ATOS or GOM Inpect Professional totally gone?

I also found out that I should actually direct all my enquiries to the GOM distributor/certified partner in my country, rather than to GOM from now on. This was new information to me and I assume this information has been communicated to GOM customers at a point when I was not working with GOM myself (May 2019 – November 2020)?

With all respect, enquiries such as the ones I present here will be rather awkward for my GOM distributor/certified partner to answer.

Best regards

Martin Olsson

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Hi Martin, 

First at all thank you for your feedback. We always trying to improve ourselves in any part of our services and communication with customers. The myGom Area went life a few weeks ago. We are still improving the content and try to make it more comfortable.

Let me try to clarify your questions to make the idea of the myGom area clearer.

There is a section of the MyGOM start page called ‘Operating Manuals’. There still appears to be manuals in pdf-format available for hardware and hardware related topics but not for any software related topics?

You will find only hardware manuals in this area. Information to any main software functionalities are deposit in the direct help within the software. 

There is a folder structure containing a folder named ‘Software’. Under this folder there seems to be a series of exe-files, most for software updates?

Yes, we wanted to have a similar structure like in the support area. There you can download any hotfix of your wanted or required GOM SW. Currently until the SW 2018.

The same ‘Software’ folder seems to be accessed when selecting the ‘Software’ section from the MyGOM start page?

Yes, that is correct. As i mentioned before we wanted to have a similar structure like in the old support area..

When I first contacted GOM about my enquiries in January via email I received no direct answers about the software manuals but was referred to the ‘Training Center’ section in the MyGOM start page, which I also requested and got access to.

I have tried to get acquainted with this new ‘Training Center’ too and I can understand and appreciate the advantages with e-learning, Live Sessions and a registered user profile.
However, I find it difficult to find useful information about a certain topic or functionality when using the ‘Training Center’.

The Training Center is primary a site to register for training or E-learnings. You find there Update Trainings to new functionalities and short Webinars to generals questions, too. This space is not a library for software manuals.

Are the pdf-format software manuals for e.g. ATOS or GOM Inpect Professional totally gone?

We moved all the content which is describing the software into the GOM Software as Get Started Documentation (the former software manuals). This means that the GOM Software will contain everything that the customer needs to understand the software and to read about its concepts and functionalities.  

I also found out that I should actually direct all my enquiries to the GOM distributor/certified partner in my country, rather than to GOM from now on. This was new information to me and I assume this information has been communicated to GOM customers at a point when I was not working with GOM myself (May 2019 – November 2020)?

This information is not communicated to the GOM customers directly. The customers are purchasing their system from the GOM partner. So, this GOM Partner is your first contact, if you have questions or problems. Our partners receiving trainings from us in working with our systems.

With all respect, enquiries such as the ones I present here will be rather awkward for my GOM distributor/certified partner to answer.

The GOM Care Contract includes that the assistance will be carried out by your local GOM Partner. Therefore, you can contact your associated partner with those question. We are staying in direct contact with our partners and if they have problems with answering, they contact us. If any user would contact us dierectly, we couldn’t manage to answer them as soon as possible because of the amount of questions and the time shifts as well.

So please contact your associated local partner.

Greetings, Ivan 

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  • 1 month later...

I am also confused by the new format... Where did all the informative tutorials go? I bookmarked a specific video explaining how to create tolerance regions and when I tried to access it a month or two later I can not find it. 

Did GOM scrub these to encourage users to enroll in eLearning courses?

Is there an archive of these videos located somewhere else?



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  • 5 months later...

They have definitely been scrubbed to increase e-learning revenue. Only the barest of tutorials are free - nearly everything is behind a paywall. ?

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