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-Kink Point-


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I was working on a Kink Point using a (digitized) 2D curve; location of the kink point is the transition point of two circles.

So... I tried to get results using the 2D curve as the feature, and the two (recalled) circles as Nominal Features 1 & 2. I could get nominal values that looked accurate, however I could not generate "Actual" results.
Trying to capture additional points when recalling them into the circles would generate "Actual" results, but they did not look accurate.
The only way I could generate accurate nominal AND actual values, was to recall a small section of the larger diameter into a 2d Line, to use as one of the nominal features.

Q1) Is this type of trickery what is usually required to get Actuals, when the kink point is the transition between two diametric features?

Q2: The nominal values that were generated using the two circles looks more accurate (by 8 microns), and I'm only inspecting one part (benchmarking); so I'm leaning towards using these (generated/nominal) values as the "Actuals"... thoughts on this?

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It works, in this instance, because there is enough of an arc segment to recall, and due to the part geometry. But this isn't always the case.
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