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911 NEED HELP... error message


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Anybody knows to solve this error message "unhandled exception:Message not unerstood:#container???"

extract fatures-> strategy-> delete initial polyline->Create polyline. Once you click , error message pops up.........

Even if you change edge deviation & number of points-> Same error message pops up
Thanks for you help and time,



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  • 1 month later...
I have had this happen on occasion as well. I have had luck hitting cancel on the error, and selecting Define points, making sure this is physically highlighted, and then you can define your path. I think it is supposed to default to this, but sometimes I have noticed it's on something else and not highlighted so it error's out. 1417_61905e2f0ca3dd0a0845f86d0fea20e5.jpg
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Number of points won't apply until after the polyline has been generated by the step width applied.

You might try changing the edge deviation amount to instead of 0.1969 to 0.3 or 0.5 or whatever until it populates it correctly. I've even used a negative edge deviation number and for whatever reason it worked. Maybe something in the model in that certain area causing issues?
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Hello,! I've tried what you said. still same error messages plus it pops up in Cadcube model too. 😱
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No matter you put 0,1,5,88,100points whatever. It appears same error message. Yes it was 2nd poly line, i just deleted 1st original polyline and created 2nd polyline.
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Your computer is very underpowered to run a 64bit Calypso installation on Windows 10. In order of importance, in my opinion...

RAM / 8 gigs isn't going to cut it. You'll get the most bang for your buck if you replace this first. 32 gigs min would be my suggestion.

Graphics card / That Nvidia card is 12 yrs old and only has 1 Gig of RAM. Calypso gobbles up video RAM. I would get a Quadro video card or something similar that's designed for intense graphic calculations.

Processor / you have an i3, which is 12 years old as well. It's not a bad processor, it's just older tech and time is money.

Personally, I'd just get a new PC with as much RAM, Graphics processing, and processor speed as possible.
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If you get the same PC system error in another program then it's not necessarily a Calypso problem. It's a system problem. So it's possible that the resources of your PC are failing under certain situations.

Having said that, you stated that it happens in another program. Is it the same model your using? Maybe the model is corrupt? Maybe you have a corrupt install? Does this always happen or is it certain Calypso programs only? Is this a newer version of Calypso? What changed from before or has this always happened? Do you have all PC system updates installed? Calypso updates, as well?

There are a bunch of possibilities. Maybe you can narrow it down by going over your history of the program and the machine.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I tried long time ago at 500 1000 2000 1500 in number of points and edge deviation whatever numbers.. and we even replaced the computer to brand new comptuter.. installed calpyso software ,SP and patch files but still having same issues

it even pops up error message in cad cube file...


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I see when selecting a plane you have a default polyline in the strategy. That would be annoying.
Are you able to modify that polyline before removing it?
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