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Sensitive Atos Q sensor


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Hi all, 


What is the maximum temperature the GOM ATOS Q scanner can work with? Can it have problems with this hot weather?

What is for example the max temperature of the monoboard before it gets problems? 

Also it seems very light sensitive as well as it cannot be next to a window. It tells me it may be decalibrated, even though I did not do anything with the instrument.  The calibration checks are green, but when I scan it said the quality is low.  How to fix?

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Hello Andrea,

when you open my.gom.com there is a tile "Manuals", which will lead you to the manual to your sensor. Or you have a look at the physical print in the folder, which came with the sensor 🙂 In the manual, you find the operating temperature under "Technical data".

Lightning changes would trigger a different warning than a decalibration. Please try to calibrate it again and if the warning still comes up, do a lens setup. If there are still problems please reach out to your local distributor.


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